Sibling Rivalries

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I got out and looked out towards the building that stored Vibranium. We had parked hidden out near the edge of the parking lot and ran out to the building.

Tony bursts the door open with a laser in his hand and we storm inside. There are workers running around and I snap my fingers. "Can everyone hear me?" I think. A shower of bewildered thoughts pepper my mind. "Where did that come from?" Thought Clint. "Who is invading my mind!?" Thor's mind shouted. "Relax, it's a magic communication spell" I thought before one of them would try attacking me. "We can hear each other's thoughts so we can talk without someone hearing any plans like, cut off that group, or, meet up at that corner." I thought it would be useful, but the other's seemed more disturbed by it.

"It's fine, good job Peyton, let's go meet up with this robot." Natasha volunteered, stepping up.

We paused at a bridge in one of the upper levels. Only a thin piece of metal that apparently classified as a bridge stood between us, and Ultron with my siblings.

"Well well," said Ultron, "it's the avengers, come to stop me? It's too late, at this moment, the necessary Vibranium that I need is being transported back to Seoul, South Korea. You're to late."

Ultron's body was no longer broken and terrifying, ok well yeah it was still horrific, but compared to the broken iron man suit, it was better. "Hey, alright, Maximoffs, you're working with the wrong guy, come over to our side, help us fight him." Tony turned to my siblings, Wanda glared at him.

"Why would we work with you?" She asked. "You killed our sister, or kidnapped them, either way, you are responsible for their disappearance and we want them back."

I pushed my way to the front. "Wanda it's ok, I'm not dead, they didn't kidnap me, I left. I snuck onto their ship, I hated it there, you knew that, I couldn't stay there forever. Please, you are working with the wrong team, come on to our side."

Wanda's expression faltered and Pietro started to move towards me, but stopped and faltered back to where he was. "He's the reason we have no parents Peyton, you have to understand that." He said quietly.

"Pietro, Wanda, if you don't come to our side, more people will die, don't help him." I said, trying to get them to see reason, to get them back. "Please, I just want you back with me."

This seemed to stop them, they paused as if considering my offer, before Ultron spoke up. For a moment, I'd forgotten he was there, I'd honestly forgotten all of them were there.

"Well this is very touching, but she's lying to you, the little girl wants you to help them destroy more lives, I'm trying to help humanity."

A prickle, a lie, that's what it was. Ultron didn't want to help humanity, he wanted to destroy it, but my voice had gotten stuck in my throat and I couldn't talk, I signaled up my hand to them, one last call to them, I placed my left hand over my chest and moved my hand clockwise twice, "please"

Wanda's eyes looked like they were stinging with tears and she looked away. "I'm sorry little sister." She whispered, more to herself to me, before blasting a spell of destruction in my direction.

"Scatter!" I shouted in my mind, shooting a web towards the ceiling and swinging off to a wall on the other side of the bridge, we'll away from Ultron and my so called... no, Wanda and Pietro were my siblings, I would love them no matter what they did.

I turned to see a bunch of guards pouring out of the doorways. "Looks like we have company" I called.

"That was very touching." I heard Tony think. "Now is really not the time for your sarcasm." I countered angrily. "Well now we just have a 11 year old fighting with us for no reason."

He had a point. I didn't want to admit it, I now served no purpose for being here, other than being an extra fighter. I used my webs to sling a guy off the railing as I ran on the walls and was about to throw something at a guy shooting in my direction using my powers when a flash of silver appeared and the guy was screaming as he fell over the railing. "Need help?" Pietro asked, smiling. I glared at him and I put 2 fingers on one hand in a v shape and put my fist under it, tapping twice, and then flattened that hand, and flattened the other, moving the top hand off.

(Authors note: they told Pietro to F off)

"Such colorful language." Pietro said jokingly aghast. "Sorry, I want to help you, but I can't honestly say I think you've joined the right team.

We heard a whizzing sound and Thor's hammer came barreling towards us. Pietro looked at it with interest and grabbed the handle, dropping over the railing.

I rolled my eyes and ran off, fighting my way through more guards. "Hey guys Wanda's done something weird to Steve!" I heard Clint think loudly. "I probably should've warned you about the mind manipulation, everyone else stay clear of her, there's really nothing we can do until the vision passes." I tried to explain, but I started hearing Steve's thoughts block out, shortly followed by Natasha's and Thor's.

I ran down to the first level, looking for a way out to warn Bruce, when a large form stopped me in my tracks. Ultron.

I looked up at him and he smiled, at least, I think it was a smile, it wasn't friendly, but I looked up into his red, unfeeling eyes, and glared. "Aw, aren't you adorable."

I remembered what he'd said about me earlier "well this is very touching, but she's lying to you."

"They." I replied to him. "What was that?"

"I'm not a girl." I repeated, louder this time, I blasted him backwards and ran off out to the exit.

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