Yes... More planes

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   Ok, so maybe I'd had enough of being in airplanes by this point but it's either that or drive, and I don't know how you plan to drive to Seoul, South Korea when you live in America so I just had to deal with it.

I sat drawing most of the way, this time drawing an unusual looking demon who appeared to take partially the form of a deer, had a large smile, and only wore red. I'd seen him about 5 times now, sometimes having a one-sided argument with Astrid. As in she was yelling at him and he just sat there and listened to her. "Alastor you can't just go on a murderous rampage like that!" Astrid had shouted to him in my dream last night. I wrote "Alastor" above the demon's head and closed my book as we began the urgent decent down to dr. Cho's lab. Steve ran into the lab with me while the others ran after Ultron and his truck. Dr. Cho was lying on the ground, soaked in blood and kept muttering. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" she wept.

"Hey, hey it's alright." Steve whispered. "Peyton, do you know how to help by any chance?" He asked me. As a matter of fact I actually knew a few healing spells. I knelt down to beside her. "Hey, look- no, look at me, focus, it's alright. I'm going to help you, I just need you to let me. Just allow me to help you. Can you do that?"

She nodded and gave a small sob of pain as I pushed out my magic towards her and sighed from relief when the magic was able to flow through her. The wounds began to disappear and the blood absorbed back to where it came from. A couple scientists ran into the lab. "She should be ok, just take her to the hospital to be sure." They nodded, said something in very quick Korean, I wish I knew what they'd said, and rushed over to her. I took off after Steve, we'd already put our suits on the plane and I watched, still in awe, as Steve's shield snapped onto his suit from a powerful magnet.

"Why did you need her consent for that magic?" Steve asked as we ran through the hole that had been made in the wall by Steve. "It's pure magic, so if I use it on another human than I need their consent. I don't need it for dark magic because... well obviously it's meant to be sinister so I shouldn't need the consent of whoever I'm casting a spell on." He nodded and pushed in his ear piece. "Hey guys, Cho's ok, do we have eyes on that truck?"

"Yep, down on Toyun road." I heard Natasha reply. We ran- and I'm not exaggerating, we actually ran on foot- onto the highway and chased after the truck, Tony had burst a hole into the truck and was now scuffling with Ultron.

Natasha jumped through a hole in the top of the truck and the back doors flew open, 2 or 3 robots flying out the back. "He's paused the uploading process." Natasha said. "Well now would probably be a good time to... you know, maybe stop it?" I asked, web slinging myself onto the truck with her.

2 robots were flying towards us and I threw my arms up to stop them when a silver flash knocked one out of the air and a red glow surrounded the other before making it explode.

"Ok so maybe we were wrong." Pietro said, appearing beside me on another flash. "Ultron plans on destroying all of humanity." Wanda panted, flying up beside me. "You didn't know that until now!?" I explaimed. "I thought that was obvious!" I ran over to the computer and canceled Ultron's progress on the suit. "He told us he only wanted to destroy the avengers." Wanda retorted. "Hate to break up the reunion, but we got more coming." Natasha shouted.

To say that fighting along my siblings again was a good feeling... would be a lie. Yes it was amazing to be fighting with them at my side but it's not like we did this often. We never had a reason too. But yeah, they ended up coming back with us and Ultron's old body as we crawled yet again onto the plane.

"He plans on destroying humanity." Wanda announced on the way back with a voice crack. "That's what we guessed." Tony replied tiredly. "So can we be avengers now?" Pietro asked. His question was met with silence.

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