The Vision

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      We all got suited up after dinner and, yes we got on another plane, headed for Solkovia.

"We'll be ok, right?" I asked Pietro. He looked over at me and pulled me into a one armed hug. "I would protect you and Wanda with my life. We'll make it out just fine." I wish I'd gotten warning then and there and not a few minutes before it actually happened.

"If you guys really plan on fighting in this battle that officially makes you avengers." Clint said, turning towards us, then catching my hopeful look he added, "if you don't die in this battle we will consider letting you in, when you're older."

Good enough for me.

We landed and looked around. "The church!" Wanda said suddenly. "That's where he planned on attacking!"

"We need to get these people out now!" Steve said urgently. I had to admit, all of us standing there in our suits, we looked pretty Badass.

We all split up into different directions of the city to start evacuation. The sky was cloudy this early in the morning and it appeared it would stay this way for the rest of the day. "You all need to get out of town, now!" I shouted as loud as I could on a street lined with apartments. My voice was too quiet, I used a spell to magnify my voice like Wanda had taught me and repeated the phrase. I webbed around the city and shouted for evacuation. I'd only got a few streets emptied before running into Clint, I landed to take a breath and that's when the first rumble occurred. "Uh, Clint?" I asked. "Yeah kid?"

"How many streets have you evacuated?"
"2 or 3?"
"We need to hurry, I think Ultron knows we're here."
"You think?"

We raced off into opposite directions and started working faster to get everyone out. I used my little mind trick again.

"Natasha where are you?" I called. "I'm right under the church, he's started lifting the city we need to hurry."

"Yeah I got the 'we need to hurry' part, Bruce can you go get her?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah I'll go get her." I heard Bruce's thoughts.

Then the robots came, because what would any of our enemies do without a seemingly giant infinite cgi army for us to battle?

Anyways I knocked the first robot off a building and then turned around and made another explode.

But I'm going to skip to the interesting parts of the battle because theres no way I can make this battle sound interesting through writing. We all met at the church to figure out how to deactivate it. Apparently the only way to do that was to kill Ultron. Then he showed up behind us.

"You all won't win this, not without defeating me." Ultron sneered, that is, if he could sneer, I could just hear it in his voice. "Is that all you got! A tiny robot army!?" Thor, who by the way had showed up a short while after the first wave of robots hit, laughed.

Ultron lifted his arms and a bigger wave shot out of the ground. "You just had to say something?" Steve sighed, and ran off towards one section of the wave. I ran with Clint, I had lost the ability to talk after we figured out that we actually had to kill Ultron in order to stop the city.

We were battling back to back, he was shooting robots that flew towards me from behind and I did the same for him.

That's when I collapsed.

It was so sudden, but the pain was immediate. I couldn't tell what was going on in the real world, all I saw was Pietro. He was surrounded by darkness, I couldn't see what was going on around him, he was running and then paused, a shower of Bullets tearing into him. His eyes were fading as he said something. It appeared he was talking to someone. His voice echoed around my brain;

"You- you didn't see that coming?" Then he collapsed to the ground and I woke up, I was having a full on panic attack. Clint was there, trying to calm me down, "you're ok, you're ok, nothing hurt you, what happened?" He rapidly kept repeating "you're ok" seemingly more to reassure himself than me. "I- I don't know, I just fell and... Pietro!" I got up and rushed out of the collapsed building, I ran over to the church and saw Vision flying around fighting off the robot army, I had left Clint behind.

"Vision!" I shouted. "Have you seen Pietro?"

"He was with Wanda, are you alright, I believe that was you Clint was carrying off out of the open?" I nodded, "I had a terrible vision. I need to know if he's ok."
Vision pointed in front of him, I followed his finger to see Pietro, running with Wanda on his back, perfectly ok. I guess it was just my anxiety overriding everything. He was alright.

I could not have been more wrong.

I saw Ultron on the horizon with a helicopter, bullets were showering out of the giant guns on the side, "vision, that's what it was! I think I saw the future! Come on, we need to help!" I ran as fast as I could to where Clint was helping a small child. The bullets were getting closer.

A flash of silver. A sudden stop. A shower of bullets.  "You- You didn't see that coming?"

He fell. I ran over to him just in time to see the light fade from his eyes. "Pietro? No. You promised me. You promised me you would be ok!" I cried. I wanted him to come back, I couldn't breath. Everything became fuzzy. I only became partially aware of my surroundings. I think Vision flew off back to the church. A red explosion from nearby let me know that Wanda was safe, she'd felt Pietro's connection break.

I wanted to break.

I'd known Pietro practically my whole life, but Wanda had known him longer. Clint helped me up and carried Pietro's body onto the evacuation plane.

Everything else faded to black as I couldn't remember much in the midst of the confusion.

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