In Asguard

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Frigga and I walk in the gardens until we find a bench under a nice tree. She sits on the bench and I sit on the ground next to her and listens as she tells me about Asguard, the different realms, and my uncle Thor. She even tells me a bit about Loki. He wasn't always that bad. He actually seems like he was alot of fun.

"What happened to him? He sounded like he wasn't that bad of a guy." I say and Frigga sighs.

"He just changed. He wanted Odin's approval so badly that he would do anything to get it." She says.

"Odin was always watching Thor, huh?"

"Yeah. I really think that Loki just wanted his attention. He just went about it the wrong way." She says and I nod.

"Yeah. I have a friend like that. Back on Midguard. He tries and tries and tries to get his dad to notice him, but his dad is always too busy with work to notice him. Even when he was going through chemo his dad didn't visit him. His mom pays him attention but..... a boy needs his father's attention." I say.

"You are completely right." She says then sighs.

"Do you think he could change?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Loki. Do you think he could change and go back to the way he was? Like the fun guy." I say and she smiles.

"He might. If he was given a chance." She says.

"Do you think I could help?" I ask and she smiles.

"You might be just the man for the job. Thor has told me about your little pranks." She says smiling and I chuckle.

"Yeah." I say.


(A few hours later)

After Frigga and I sat in the garden for a hour. I decided go try to annoy the god of mischief.

"Loki?" I ask as I enter the library. I was told that this was his favorite hang out spot. There is no answer, so I assume that he's not here.

I go-to work. I find a open book on the desk and place the trigger on it. Here is how the trap works the trigger is rigged so when he picks up his book it will cause a chain reaction where a little stick is moved and it releases a small windup dinosaur. Then the dinosaur will hit a plastic water bottle and knock it over having it hit a bouncy ball. Then the bouncy ball will land on a wide popsicle stick and flip a heavy metal coin onto the spray part of a spray paint can and it will spray paint his armor dark blue. Then a banner that says 'Aaron was here' will fall down.

I hear him walk in and I run and hide behind a bookshelf to where I can remain hidden from his line if sight but where I can watch the plan go down. He walks in and goes to the bookshelf then to his desk. He picks up the book and the trap goes off. I watch as the parts move and the coin falls onto the spray can. I may or may not have made a mistake. To where it swings and not only sprays his armor and his face. It sprays him across the face and he growls. I laugh as the banner falls. He turns to read it.

"AARON!" He yells and I take that as my que to run. I run out of the library and start running as fast as I can. I look behind me and see that he is hot on my tail so I run faster. I look a head and see one of his clones ready to catch me I slide between his legs and stand and start running again. I turn the corner and see uncle Thor so I run to him.

"Save me!" I say as I hide.

"Aaron? What are you doing?" He asks I goto answer him but i'm cut off.

"STARK!" Loki yells as he comes around the corner. Uncle Thor, Lady Sif, Volstagg and the other two warriors start laughing. Loki growls angrily. "Do not expect to get away with this son of Stark."

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." I say then I run off leaving the laughing warriors and the annoyed god.

(A few days later)

I had gotten permission from grandpa Odin to walk around the markets. Yeah I call him grandfather or grandpa whichever comes to mind at the time. Anyway. I am walking around looking at all the things. Asguard is so fascinating! They live very simply but they are so technologically advance.

They have such an amazing selection if books. I can be a book worm at times. I get that from my mom.

I sigh aloud. I know I've only been here for a few days, but I miss my mom and dad and Bryella. I also miss Lillie. I've not tried to call or text anyone, but think about it. What are the odds of having any signal in Asguard?

"You shouldn't be out alone, son of Stark." Loki says and I jump and look at him.

"I know. But the guards won't let me do anything." I say. That was something grandfather said. I had to have guards with me. But they were so overbearing so I lost them about three hours ago. Hehe I told them that I had to go-to the bathroom. Then I ran off." I sigh as I look at a book.

"Something seems to be troubling you, Stark." Loki says.

"What do you care? You don't like me anyway." I say. "I thought you would have been filled with joy to see me sad."

"I'm mischievous. Not heartless." He says.

"I miss my mother, and father, and my baby sister." I say.

"You are the eldest?" He asks and I glare at him.

"Yes. And if you try to kill my sister-" He throws his hands up.

"I have no interest on harming your family." He says honestly. I sigh and pick up a random book and absent mindly flip through the pages. I sigh and set the book back down. He stares at me as I continue to look at books. I picked one up and look inside. I slam the book down and look at him.

"What?" I say harshly.

"I am attempting to understand you." He says as he leans against the table and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Do yourself a favor. Don't." I say I go pay for a book that interests me then leave. I was away from the shops and Loki.

I get a strange feeling that i'm being followed. So I look behind me and I see that Loki is following me. I walk faster. Before I know where I am I trip and fall on my face. I know that the magic in Sven and the healers here healed me but at times my body still hurts and not much can be done about it. When I fall my entire body aches. I groan and sit up then sigh.

I lean against a tree and decide to read until my body stops hurting. As I begin read I feel my energy draining and m y eyes getting heavy. I close the book and lay my head back then i unknowingly fall asleep.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update. I feel really bad about it, but I couldn't really help it. I have been so busy lately. I will try to update more if and when I have the time, but please don't stop reading because I haven't updated. Thank you for reading and commenting. I love reading your comments. So comment, vote, read, fan. Bye! :)

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