Going Home Early

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It has been a week and a half since the treatment. The doctors say I can get up and walk around the hospital so I do. I am suppose to meet Lillian in the common area for cancer patients but when I get there she is no where to be found.

"Hey Jimmy. Have you seen Lil?" Jimmy is one of Lillie's friends and now mine too.

"She won't be out today. The nurses said that she isn't doing well today."

"Oh...... I'm going to go see her. Wanna come?" He shoots up.

"Yup. Let's go!" We walk down the hall and go to Lillie's room.

"Liiiiillllllliiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee...." We sing in unison. As we walk into her room and she laughs as we come in.

"Go away you two! I'm suppost to be sleeping!" She says closing a book.

"Like you were sleeping while reading...... the fault in our stars?" Jimmy says and  I laugh.

"No way! This is a sad book. Why are you reading it?" I look at her.

"Wait! You read this?!?" Jimmy says.

"What? I got it as a gag gift from my uncle Clint. It's actually a pretty good book. Just have tissues near by at the end." Jimmy rolls his eyes and Lil smiles.

"Yeah. It's already making me cry. What happens?" She says wiping her eyes.

"Not saying. Just have tissues. The nurses said you weren't feeling well. What's wrong?" I ask concerned about her.

"I just don't have alot of strength today. And my body really hurts."

"I'm sorry Lil. I wish I could make you feel better." I say then I think.

'The horse you idiot. Loan her the horse.'

"Hey Lil. I'll be right back, ok?" She nods and I go to my room and grab Sven. Yes I named him what of it? Anyway. I grab him and take him to Lillie's room and hand him to her.

"Here. Remeber Sven?" She smiles and nods. She doesn't know what he can do.

"Your uncle gave it to you."

"Yeah. Why don't you keep him for me for a couple days?"

"No Aaron. He's yours. Your uncle gave him to you." She tries to hand him back.

"I know that. But he will make you feel better. Trust me on this Lil."

"Ok." She says in defeat. I smile and we all talk and laugh. Then the nurse comes in and spoils our fun.

"Ok you two. Out. She needs to rest and so do you." We sigh and leave the room after a short goodbye. Jimmy and I walk down the hall until we reach his room then I goto mine and lay down.

I sigh and goto sleep.


(The Next Day)

I wake up to some on bouncing on my bed. I open my eyes half expecting to see my sister. But it's Lillie. I groan and roll over.

"Get up sleepy head! It's already noon!" Lillie says full of energy.

"Some one is feeling better." I mumble into my pillow.

"Yes I am!" She lays on my back and says softly. "Please get up. I don't want to be alone."

"You're not. Jimmy is here."

"Yeah but he is going home today."

"That's right. Ok ok. I'm up. I'm up." I say getting up and she smiles.

"Yay! Come on."

I get up and goto the bathroom. After I come out she and grabs my hand and drags me down the hall. I smile and laugh. We get to Jimmy's room and see him sitting on his bed. He looks up and smiles.

"Hey! I thought we were gonna be able to say good bye." He says standing.

"Ahh come on man. You know this isn't the end. We can still keep in contact. Dude we should text!" I say to him and him and Lil smile .

"I don't have your number dude." I scoff and grab a pen and paper and we all exchange numbers.

"Now you do." I say with a smile. We all smile and laugh then his mom comes in.

"Are these your friend Jim?"

"Yeah. This is Lillian and Aaron." He says pointing to us and she smiles.

"It's very nice to meet you both. Jim we must be going." Jimmy nods and stands. Then Lillian hugs him.

"You better text me!" She says into his shoulder.

"I will. I promise." The him and I bro hug.

"I'll see ya later man." I say.

"Yeah. Make sure Lil doesn't get into trouble." He says pulling away and I put my hands up.

"Woah! Woah! I'm a genius. Not a miracle worker!" I saw and she smacks me and we all laugh. Then he leaves. Lil and I watch from the window and wave to him. Then she sighs.

"I'm going to miss that oaf. But i'm happy he's better." I wrap my arm around her and we go back to my room and start talking. Then my dad comes in.

"Hey bud. Good news." Lil and I look at him. He has gotten used to Lillie always being in here.

"What's that Mr. S?" Lillian says.

"The doctors say you can go home early. To day in fact." My jaw drops and I smile then look at Lil. She gives me a small sad smile and I know what she's thinking.

"I don't think you will be alone for long Lillie." I say. Then the doctor walks in.

"Ah. Miss Jones. I knew I would find you here. Good news. Your going home today." Her face lights up and she squeals.

"I'm going home! I'm going home! I'm going home!" She says really excited. We all laugh.

After 20 minutes someone knocks at the door and comes in. I don't recognize this person but Lillie runs up and hugs him.

"Daddy!" He laughs.

"Ah Lillie. I've missed you!" He pulls away and looks at me funny. "Is that Aaron?"

"Yeah. Come on i'll introduce you." She drags him over and I get up. "Aaron this is my dad Josh. Daddy this is my friend Aaron." We shake hands.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jones." I say.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Stark and please call me Josh." I smiles.

"Then call me Aaron." After a few minutes Lillie and her dad walk goto her room to get her all packed up and dad and I pack up my things.

Once we are all packed up we head to the car. I wait at the front of the hospital. And soon Lillie is standing next to me doing the same. Soon our dads pull up and start talking. But before I can goto the car she speaks up.

"Aaron." I turn and look at her.

"Lillie?" She looks at me and the. Does something totally unexpected.

She kisses me.

Ooooooo she kissed him. What is going to happen with them. Will they stay friends? Will they become more? Who knows?

Aaron Stark (Tony Stark's son)Where stories live. Discover now