Meeting our son

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(Tony's POV)

I lay in my bed with Pepper asleep next me and im just staring at her. I reach my hand down and rub her stomach. She isn't showing yet but im still ad nervous as can be. You see i'm going to be a father. I shake at the thought my dad wasn't the best and I don't want to be like that with my kid. I look over at the clock and see its already 4 am so I decide that i'm not going to sleep so I carefully get up and go down to my lab and start working on something for the baby. Yes, Pepper is only 12 weeks but I know if im gonna make baby stark something I need to start early. I want to be with Pepper through all the crazy stuff the cravings, the morning sickness, the mood swings, everything so im gonna work on the baby's gift while she is asleep. At about 9 am I start hearing Pepper moving around so I go upstairs.

"Tony? Tony?"

"Yeah​ babe?"

"Oh you scared me. Why were you in the lab?"

"Oh I was just drawing up some plans for something I'm going to make for baby Stark." I say as I rub her stomach and kiss her.

"Tony i'm only 12 weeks."

"I know but I wanted to get started early." I smile and kiss her again. She smiles and goes and makes breakfast.


It's time to see what gender the baby is! Yay! I don't normally get excited about stuff but I am today! Pepper and I are waiting anxiously for the nurse or whatever they call them to come in and do the ultrasound thingy.

When she finally comes in Pepper lifts up her shirt to reveal her stomach with the cute little baby bump. Wow did I just say that? Anyway they put this gooey stuff on her belly and start moving this weird shaped thing around I cant see anything until she points at it.

"There we go. There's your baby." I look closely and I see it. I see the baby. Tears begin to well up in my eyes and I look at Pep and she smiles and is crying already.

"And lets see if the baby will's a boy."

"A b-b-boy?" I ask studdering.

"Yes sir." Tears begin to run down my face.

"Do you want to hear the heart beat?" I know I can't say anything so Pepper speaks up.

"Yes." The nurse does somethings and we hear his little heart beat. I hear my boy's heart beating. The nurse takes pictures of the ultra sound and hands them to Pep. We thank them and head home I look at her as i'm driving and she is glowing. I smile and continue driving. We get home and Pepper goes to bed. She's really tired so I go to the lab and continue working on the secret project for baby Stark.


I'm laying in bed asleep I finally got baby Stark's gift finished I think Pepper and the baby are gonna love it. One more month until I get to meet my son. I am finally able to sleep now. I am sleeping until I feel something cold and wet on my legs and then I feel Pepper shaking me awake.

"Tony? Tony!" I groan in response "Tony! Tony please wake up! Tony!"

I finally wake up. "What's going on? What's wrong?" I say sleepily.

"Tony.....I think my water just broke!" She says breathing heavily I can hear the pain in her voice. it takes me a minute to register then my eyes get big and I spring into action grabbing her hand and helping her to the car.


"Yes sir?"

"Let the hospital know we're coming!"

"Already taken care of sir." We finally get to the car and I start driving.

"Tony! This is too soon! He's not due for another month!"

"I know Pep. I know." I gently grab her hand and bring it up to my lips as another contraction hits her. After about twenty minutes we finally get to the hospital and they are waiting for us. I get her inside and they get her changed and ready and they make me put on disposable scrubs and then we wait.

She says her back is hurting so I climb into the bed and sit behind her and make her lean forward and I start massaging her back and after about 25 minutes they have her start pushing. She grabs and squeezes my hands as I sit behind her. I feel bad for her because she decided to do a natural birth with no pain medication but she said that she didn't want to have our son and be all drugged up. I love her.

"Alright I see the head! One more big push Mrs. Stark! Ready? One, two three! Push!" She pushes with all her strength with tears running down her face from the pain then we hear the most beautiful sound ever.

We hear the first cries of our son. Tears start flowing for a different reason now all the pain and agony of the last few moments is forgotten and they hand us a little blue bundle. Pepper starts crying and laughing. I sit there and just stare at him. He's so little, so helpless, so fragile. Pepper starts talking to him softly.

"Hey. Hey baby. It's nice to finally meet you! Your daddy and I have been waiting a long time to meet you." She looks at me and smiles.

"Do you want to hold him?" I don't say anything. I don't even move. All I can do is stare at the little fragile baby in my Pepper's arms.

"Tony?" I finally snap out of it and she smiles. I smile back and she hands him to me. When he is safely in my arms I stare at him more.

"I feel like i'm gonna break him. He's so little." Pepper smiles.

"Your not going to break him. But we have to name him."

"What about Aaron? After your dad?" I ask her still looking at him. He looks like an Aaron.

"What about Aaron Howard?" I look at her funny.

"After your father."

"Why would we name him after my dad? I hated him."

"So he has a part of both if his grandfathers. And besides it seems to fit him." I think about this for a moment and then look at Aaron and he opens his brown eyes. Brown eyes! He's got my brown eyes! Then he smiles at me. My heart melts and i smile back.

"Aaron Howard Stark." I say after a minute. "Your right it does suite him." Pepper smiles and we sit there with our little Aaron. And I know at this moment that my life will never be the same.

Aaron Stark (Tony Stark's son)Where stories live. Discover now