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I stay up half of the night reading information about where Fury wants to send me. It is a very dangerous area. Now I know why my father got upset when they mentioned it. The area is filled with dangerous radical groups that seem to really hate foreigners. Exciting! I'm getting more and more worried about my safety in this area if I decide to go. I know the whole reason behind my training with Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint is to get me ready for this mission, but the more I look into the area the less prepared I feel.

I sit back with a sigh as I rub my face. "How can I convinced my parents to allow me to take this mission if I'm not even sure I want to go through with this myself."

I move over to my bed with my phone and play a game as I begin to think. I feel my eyelids begin to droop as I turn over on my side. I lay my phone down and rub my face. I'm too tired to actually change so I throw my shirt on the floor and kick off my jeans. I let out a yawn and curl up under my blanket as I close my eyes.

***(time skip)***

I wake up to Jase talking to me.

"Sir. Wake up, sir. You're going to be late for your appointment with Doctor McDonald." He says instantly. I groan and bury my face in my pillow.

"Five more minutes, Jase," I mumble into my pillow. Then he blares a sounding bell throughout my room causing me to jump and roll out of bed with a yell. As soon as I stand Jase turns off the alarm. "That's just cruel."

"Sir, your mother instructed me to not let you wake up too late this morning. You have a follow-up appointment with Doctor McDonald." He says and I roll my eyes and change my clothes. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and go straight to the fridge. I grab a juice box and a small bag of chips. I turn around to see my mother entering the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

"You are going to need more than just chips for breakfast." She says as she sets her mug in the sink. She grabs a few meal bars and puts them in her purse. 

"Well, I won't be eating those," I say as I walk out of the kitchen. We go to the garage and we hop into a car. Mom starts driving to the doctor.

"Why won't you eat the meal bars?"

"They still taste like cardboard and vomit," I say as I text Lilly. "I was made to eat then in the hospital. I probably won't eat them again."

"I see. We'll go to the store after your appointment and pick you up something that you will eat then." She says as she pulls onto the highway. 

"Mom, I need to talk to you about something." 

"Is this about the middle east mission?" She says and I look at her with my mouth hanging open. "Which I know nothing about." 


"Your father and I were talking the other night and he told me about it. Do you think you should go?" 

"I don't know. It's a terrifying idea. I know they need help and I can't avoid it just because I am afraid, but that doesn't stop me from feeling that way." 

"It is only natural, Aaron. You know that it is dangerous and that it could go wrong. Also, you are no stranger to your father's story. Something similar could happen." My mom says as we pull into the parking lot.

"I can't live my life in fear that my story will be the same as my father's. Mom I have to do what I think is right and what I think that I need to do." 

"I understand. We will talk about it more when we get home." With that, we get out of the car and head into the office. I am called back to the exam room and the doctor comes in. 

"Hello, Mr. Stark. Mrs. Stark. It is good to see you." He says as he walks in. We begin the exam and after he is done he looks at my chart and nods. "You are doing remarkably well, Aaron. I am just wanting to take some blood samples and check on how your insides are doing." 

I nod and offer the nurse my arm and I just kinda check out while she takes my blood. I hate this part, but I guess it is necessary.

"Hey, Doc? What would you say if I was wanting to travel out of the country?" I ask and my mother gives me a slight glare.

"I would say that as long as your blood results come back normal and as long as you take traveling precautions such as frequent hand washing, maybe wearing a mask. I see no problem with it. You would just need to be careful." The doctor says and I look at my mother who is still glaring at me.

"Alright. So other than the blood tests. How am I doing?" 

"You seem to be getting better at a faster rate than normal. I guess I will just have to file it under strange things about Aaron Stark." He says chuckling. I force a smile and we wait for the tests to come back. The whole time my mother is talking to the doctor. I just sit there texting Lil and playing on my phone. After about thirty minutes the tests come back. "Well, Aaron, your tests are perfectly fine. You just need to make sure you are eating healthy and you'll be fine. Also, take some vitamins to help with some of the things you lost with the treatment. I don't see anything that will stop you from traveling." 

"Thank you, doctor," I say as we stand and shake hands. My mother thanks him before we walk out the door and back to the car.

"Are you alright, Aaron?" She asks after we get in the car.

"I just got really tired. I might take a nap when we get home. Before I go over to Lillie's house. Her dad wanted some help with a project." She nods and starts driving home. So much for feeling normal.

Aaron Stark (Tony Stark's son)Where stories live. Discover now