Training and bonding

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(Aaron's POV)

I wake up early the next morning to a loud bang coming from downstairs. I look at the time and I see that it is 2:36 am. I quickly get out of bed and rush downstairs with my cell phone in hand. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I see my dad picking up a pot and there is something spilt all over the floor.

"Dad?" I say sleepily. Dad looks up at me. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, bud. I was looking for something and I knocked over the plant pot. Did I wake you?" He asks. I nod with a yawn. "Why don't you go back to sleep? I should be able to clean this up fairly quickly."

"Ok, dad." I say and I head back up the stairs. Before I get to far I call out. "Goodnight mom!"

I can feel their embarrassment from the top of the stairs. I chuckle and head to my room when I see Bryella come out of her room in her frozen pjs and her stuffed hippo in her hand.

"Hey, Bri. Did you wake up to the loud noise?"She whines softly and nods. "Ok. Well it's over now. How about I tuck you back into bed and you go back to sleep?"

She nods again and I take her hand and take her back to her room. I tuck her in and kiss her head. Before I am out of the room she is already asleep again. I go back into my room and I lay in my bed. I stare at the ceiling thinking and I sigh.

"You should really stop thinking so much, Stark. I could hear you from my library." I hear a smooth voice say and I sit up quickly. I look and see Loki standing in the far right corner of my room.

"I can't help it. I am far more intelligent than any mortal in midguard." I say and he nods in agreement.

"You are not wrong about that. What is bothering you?" He asks and I sigh.

"Fury wants me to go on a really dangerous mission and my parents are freaking out about it. Also I just met my girlfriend's dad and I'm trying to make a good impression." I say and he comes and sits on my bed.

"Don't worry about the situation with your lady friend's father and let the situation with S.H.E.I.L.D work its self out. You're a smart boy. You'll be fine, and you always have a direct line to Asguard no matter where you are." He says and I sigh.

"Yeah. It's just.... So much is changing and I don't know how to keep up with it." I say and he nods.

"Change can be hard to keep up with, but you can keep up with it. It's not as bad as you think. Don't worry, Aaron. You'll be fine. Now get some sleep." He says as he stands. Then he looks at me. "If you ever need to talk just call."

"I will. Thanks, Loki." I say and then he disappears. I curl up under my blanket and goto sleep.

(A few hours later)
I wake up and stretch in my bed. I sighs and sit up. I check the time on my phone it is 7:30. I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose. I told Aunt Nat that I'd be at the warehouse for training at 9:30 then I'm going over to Lillie's at 3. I get up and head to the shower. After my shower, I pack a small bag with a change of clothes, shower stuff, and deodorant. I'm gonna need that. I then I head downstairs with the bag. I notice that there is no one downstairs. I write a note that explains that I am going to the tower to train with Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint then I would be going to Lillie's place for a bit. I leave the note on the counter and take Stark 3 then I leave. I arrive at the tower in less than 20 minutes and head to the training room.

Training is AWFUL! Okay maybe I'm being dramatic, but it was exhausting! By the time we are finished I am laying on the ground panting.

"That was a good session." Aunt Nat says.

"Yeah. You did better than I thought you would." Uncle Clint says as he and Aunt Nat come over and offer me their hands.

"Yeah. Maybe we'll have to take it up a notch tomorrow." Aunt Nat says as they pull me up and I groan.

Aaron Stark (Tony Stark's son)Where stories live. Discover now