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After mom and I left the doctor's office, we went to the store to grab some light and simple things for me to eat.

Once we got home I went and took a three-hour nap. I wake up to my phone ringing. I groan and answer it.

"Hello?" I grumble.

"Aaron? It's Lillie. Are you awake?"

"Mmhmm...." I say and then I hear a loud noise coming from the phone and I scream as I throw myself off the bed. As I land on the floor I hear Lillie laughing. "Not funny!"

"It was too, Aaron. You were obviously asleep."

"Why did you call? Surely not to interrupt my nap." I grumble as I pick up the phone.

"I was wondering if you could come and pick me up? I had to stay late at school for tutoring and my parents are both still at work. Normally I would just hang out at the ball fields until they came, but we are supposed to have some thunderstorms so they canceled practice." She asks and I can hear the hesitation in her voice.

"Yeah. I'll be there in ten minutes." I say and she sighs in relief.

"Thank you."

"Of course. I'll see you soon." I say then we hang up. I get up and put my shirt and shoes on then go to the garage. "JARVIS, let mom and dad know I went to go pick up Lillie from school, please."

"Of course, sir. Heads up that we are expecting severe storms soon. I would recommend you take a jacket." He says and I smile.

"Thanks, JARVIS. I will." I grab a jacket and then leave in my car. When I pull out of our garage the sky is already black with thunder clouds. I drive as fast as I dare to get to Lillie quickly. Despite my best efforts when I am still a few minutes away it is pouring down rain. When I get to her school I see her standing under the awning of her school building, but she is still soaked. I wave at her and pull as close to the curb I can get. She runs to my car and then quickly gets in. She was shivering and I throw my jacket around her shoulders and turned the heat on.

"T-thank you for picking me u-up. It would have been a few more hours before my parents could come and get me." She says as she buckles her seatbelt.

"Eh. Just call me your knight in shining armor." I say with a smirk and she shoots me a look as if to say 'Really'.

"Dork." She says as I pull back onto the main road.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I ask her and she nods. "What sounds good?"

"Pizza is always nice."

"Pizza it is then." I say as I start making my way to the closest pizza place. "Hey where is your brother?"

"He is staying at a friend's house tonight. They are working on a end of the year project." Lillie says as she sets her backpack into the floorboard behind her seat. I nod as she turns back around. "It's sweet that you thought about him. Ya nerd."

I laugh as we pull into the pizza parlor. She goes to get out of the car.

"Hang on. I think I have an umbrella." I say as I reach into the back and grab a small umbrella I keep in my car. I hand it to her and she gives me a confused look.

"You keep an umbrella in your car?"

"Yes. I keep it just incase. Also it is not good for either of us to get too sick." I say and she takes it with an exaggerated eye roll. We head into the parlor and grab a booth. "Can I ask why you were at tutoring?"

"I am struggling with math and science." She says as she sips her soda.

"How long have you been going to this tutor?" I ask her.

Aaron Stark (Tony Stark's son)Where stories live. Discover now