Laser Tag

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wednesday x joey

Wednesday POV:

 It's raining today and none of us have anything to do so we decided to do something together. We agreed on laser tag so all of us get in my car and drive off. I drove while Joey sat next to me and Acey, Eric, and Ben were all squished together in the back seat. The entire ride I could feel Joey staring at me. Not in a creepy way, but more of in a dreamy way. 

We got to the arcade place and waited in the little lobby place inside until the people who were playing were done. There were a bunch of kids with their moms or dads who gave us weird looks or just stared.

 I shrugged it off and looked down at Joey who stood next to me. He looked back up at me and said, "What? Why're you staring at me?"

"N-nothing." I respond and turn away as I curse at myself in my head for my stutter. The people before us's game finished and staff in neon green and orange outfits that seemed to glow in the black light filled the room.

They explained the rules and handed everyone a vest and a laser gun. The staff pressed some kind of button or something and everyone's vests lit up. Mine lit up a bright green color.

"Okay, if you are green, please go to that side of the room. If you are purple, please come over here. If your vest didnt light up, please tell one of the staff immediately." one of the people in an orange outfit said.  

Everyone split up into their teams and searched around to see if they were with anyone they knew. I was with Acey and Eric so that meant that Joey and Ben where on the other team. 

Eric frowned and reached his arm out towards Ben as Ben did the same. They had been together for about a year now and seemed to always be together. Like wherever Ben went, Eric followed close behind. I even saw them go into the bathroom together and didn't come out for like an hour. Just thinking about what they might have been doing still haunts me to this day.

There was a loud beep noise to signify the start of the game and everyone pushed through the door on the opposite side of the room. The room was filled with foam props painted bright colors that contrasted in the black light and a red timer over the door that was counting down from 10. I tried to go easy because mostly everyone was a little kid except for a couple teenagers on the other team who were pushing kids around and obviously wanted to win (even though there was no prize). 

"Let's stick together. I bet those kids can't get us all at once." Acey said to Eric and I. We nodded and went over to the corner of the room behind a foam prop. We all just stood there for a minute until we heard the sound of heavy footsteps that seemed to be a lot louder than all the squealing and laser noises. Someone poked out from the other side of the foam prop and we all pointed our laser guns at them, thinking they were one of the teenagers. They put their hands up and we realized that it was just Joey so we put the toy guns down. 

Joey POV:

Ben and I had decided to stick together when those teens began taking this super seriously. It lasted for a bit until the sound of a laser gun and Ben groaning came from behing me. 

"I GOT SLENDERMAN!" one of the teens (who was on our fucking team) yelled. I turn around and watch as Ben walked away slowly to the door where all the people who lost would wait until the next round. 

I realized I was now on my own and went looking for the rest of the guys. I didn't care that we weren't on the same team I just didn't want to be alone. I finally found them all huddled behind a foam prop in the back of the room. 

They all pointed their laser guns at me and I put my hands up in defense. The recognized that it was me and put the laser guns down. I sat in an empty space next to Wednesday and lay my head on his shoulder. He gave me a weird look, but I could tell he didn't really mind it. 

"Let's move before they finally find us." Acey said. We all stand up and follow Acey out of the corner. 

"Hey Joey, where's Ben?" Eric asked.

"One of the stupid kids got him. Called him 'Slenderman' too." I told him. Just then, a couple of the teens run up to us. Wednesday and I get away, but Acey and Eric are out. Wednesday pulls me behind a thin wall and pins me against the wall. 

"What are you doing?!" I whisper-yell as he looks me up and down.

"I've been meaning to tell you," he lets go of me. "Well it's two things actually."

"I'm listening." I say.

"Well one, I think I really like you and I wanted to know if you wanted to go out together some time." he looks anxiously at his feet then up at me, awaiting my answer.

"I'd love to, Wednes." I respond. He blushes and lets out a relieved sigh as he looks at me. I look up at the timer over the door and there's only 2 minutes until the next round. Wednesday steps closer to me and pins me against the wall again. I take a quick breath before his lips touch mine. I close my eyes and kiss back. I tangle my hand in his hair as we both get lost in the kiss. We pull away, my heart racing as I stare into his dark brown eyes. Wednesday takes a step back and raises his laser gun to my chest. He pulls the trigger and grins at me as my vest lights up red. 

"I hate you!" I hit him playfully with my sleeve.

"Sure. Love you too, Joey." he grabs my hand just as the timer goes off and the lights turn on.

"Wait, what was the second thing?" I ask him as we walk towards the exit.

"Oh, your fly is down." he points to my pants. I quickly zip up my pants and run to catch up to Wednesday.

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