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joey x wednesday

Joey POV:

"Joey." Wednesday yelled from downstairs.

"What?" I yelled back, too lazy to leave the comfort of the bed.

"Joey!" Wednesday yelled again.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back.

"JOEY!!" He yelled again. Frustrated, I pushed off the blanket and stomped down the stairs.

"What?!" I said as I walked into the kitchen. Wednesday was looking in the fridge for something.

"Don't need to be rude," he said pulling his head away from the fridge. "I was gonna make pancakes, but I guess we need to go-"

"Shopping!" I jumped. 

"Yeah." Wednesday laughed at my sudden mood change. 

"I'll get the keys!" I said and was about to go look for the car keys so we could go when Wednesday grabbed my shoulder, making me stop and turn to him. 

"Joey, how about you get dressed first?" he said looking me up and down. I looked down at my tiny body and remembered I was only in a pair of boxers and a tank top. "I can look for the keys while you do that."

"Oh, okay!" I ran back up the stairs and into our room. I opened my dresser and pulled out a a Black Sabbath shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and went into the bathroom to get dressed.

Wednesday POV:

I looked through the living room and found my car keys sitting on the coffee table in front of the TV. I put them in my pocket and waited by the front door. I waited for at least ten minutes until I went to go look and make sure Joey was okay.  

"Jo?" I called as I climbed up the stairs.

"Yeah?" he yelled. I followed his voice to the bathroom that was attached to our bedroom. 

"Are you okay? What's taking so long?" I asked and stood outside the door waiting for him to answer.

"Sorry, Wednes." Joey opened the door. "I was just doing my hair." 

"Okay. Let's go." I took his hand and led him out to the car. I got the keys out of my pocket, started the car, and pulled out of the driveway. 

"Okay, so we need eggs, milk, and pancake batter. Got that?" I told Joey. He nodded. "And no extra stuff. We're not here for a million things. Just those three and we're goin' home, okay?" He nodded again. I sighed. I knew Joey didn't listen to a word I just said. We pulled into the store parking lot. Joey excitedly opened the door and was about to get out when I grabbed his arm.

"Joey." he turned so he could see me. 

"Yeah Wednes?"

"Just... don't go crazy please." I let go of his arm.

"I'll try not to." he stuck his tongue out and jumped out of the car. I pinched my nose and got out too. Joey grabbed a cart and rushed inside with me following behind him. Joey immediately stopped to look at a bouquet of flowers displayed at the entrance making me accidentally walk into him. 

"Can we get these?" he pointed to the flowers.

"No. I already told you: just the stuff for pancakes and we're going home. Besides..." I said looking at the little card in the middle of the bouquet. It read 'Congrats on the baby!' in curly blue writing. "Let's go." I said putting the card back and taking the cart.

"Hey I was pushing the cart!" Joey yelled and tried to catch up to me. 

"Well you're too slow. C'mon. The eggs and milk are this way." 

"Ooh wait!" Joey said. I turned to see Joey carrying like 20 boxes of cookies

"Jesus christ, Jo." I laughed as he dumped them all in the cart.

"What? They're my favorite. I bet the pancakes would be awesome." he said.

"Put them back. We don't need 20 things of cookies." I told him.

"Aw. Please?" he pleaded.

"Ugh. Fine. Keep one box." I gave in. "But put the others back, Jo." He took the other boxes out of the cart and put them back on the shelves. I continued to walk while he did that.

"Hey wait for me!" Joey ran trying to catch up with me again. I covered my face and laughed at him. Sometimes he could be so embarrassing, but he's my boyfriend so sadly can't hate him for it.

He caught up with me and we continued our search for milk and eggs. We passed an aisle with colorful bags of chips that I literally had to drag Joey away from. He ended up slipping a couple bags into the cart, probably thinking I didn't notice. I didn't say anything about it though because it would just waste more time and I was hungry as fuck by now.

"Finally." I said opening the door to the refrigerator and taking a carton of milk out. I placed it in the cart and turned to Joey, who was staring at something. "What now?" I walked over to him, pulling the cart behind me. 

"They have ice cream!" he said. 

"Well duh." I respond. "Let's go. We still need eggs and pancake mix." I said trying to pull Joey away from the freezer, but he wouldn't budge.

"Ugh. What flavor." I opened the freezer door.

"Chocolate! No, vanilla. No, how about strawberry? I don't know!" Annoyed, I grabbed the first one I saw, which just happened to be chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry and put it in the cart.

"Now c'mon Jo." I pulled him by his sleeve and went to go look fo a carton of eggs. I opened it to make sure none of them were broken or cracked and put it in the cart. 

"Alright. Now we just need- Jo?" I looked around the aisle, but Joey is nowhere to be found. "Oh fucking damn it!" I yelled, not realizing that a child and her mother were standing right next to me. "So sorry." I apologized and grabbed the cart, running into the next aisle searching for Joey. But he wasn't there. Shit. But the funny part is: I had a feeling this would happen. It always happens. Wherever we go, no matter who we're with, Joey always gets lost. I don't know if it's just because he's short and we don't realize he's gone, or something like that.

I looked into the next aisle, Joey wasn't there. The next aisle, Joey wasn't there. I looked aisle after aisle, but there was no sign of Joey. I was worried now. He couldn't have gotten far so he had to be around here somewhere.

I ran into the last aisle, the ausle Joey found all the cookies, and sure enough, there was Joey. 

"Joey!" I panted and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Wednes- ow ow ow." he said trying to pull away from me.

"I thought I lost you." I felt myself tearing up. Just as annoying as he was, I couldn't even live ten minutes without him.

"Aw Wednes. I was just getting more cookies." he said, putting at least two more things of cookies in the cart. 

"Alright. Let's ring these up and get the fuck out of here." I said and let Joey push the cart towards the checkout lines. We put everything on the checkout thing. I took the bags while Joey pushed the cart outside. I put the bags in the trunk and we both got in the car.

"Finally. Let's go." I started the car.

"Yeah! Let's go make some pancakes!" Joey yelled excitedly. I froze.

"Wednes? You okay?" Joey asked. I didn't respond.

"You forgot the pancake mix, didn't you." he smirked as he watched me closely. I hit my head on the steering wheel, making the horn bleep out my cursing as Joey laughed at me.

"You know what?"


"Forget pancakes. I guess we're just having cookies and chips for breakfast." I said as We pulled out of the parking lot and made our way home.

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