Notice Me

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eric x ben (this ship is my fav)

Eric POV:

I was feeling hungry so I got off my bed and tucked my phone into my pocket. I walked into the kitchen and saw Acey and Ben sitting at the counter. 

"Hey Eric." Acey said. 

"Hey dude. You've been locked in your room all day. Are you okay?" Ben asked.

"Heheh yeah. Just been on my phone. I guess I lost track of time." I laughed and grabbed a soda from the fridge. I sat in the seat next to Ben and listened to Acey and Ben talk. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying, I had my head down and was just daydreaming about Ben.

"Yeah, but- Eric? Eric?" Ben looked down at me.

"Y-yeah?" I said as I sat up. 

"Why're you staring at me?" 

"Uhh... b-because um... because you were talking?" I lied. He nodded and continued to talk to Acey. I took a sip of my soda and went back to daydreaming. 

After a few minutes I looked up and realized Ben left and Acey had took his spot.

"Y'know it's so obvious. I don't get how he doesn't see it." He said.

"What's obvious?" I asked.

"That you like Ben." I felt my face immediately get hot. "I mean, you'd have to be blind to not see it." Or Ben. 

"I just wish he thought of me as more than a friend. I just... I just wish I could tell him, y'know?" 

"Yeah. That's how Wednesday was. Completely oblivious. You just gotta keep trying and hopefully he'll notice." 

"How do I do that?"

"Flirt with him." Acey told me.

"Flirt?! Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Flirt until he notices. Which, knowing Ben, might take a while." 


"I know more about relationships than you. Trust me." Acey patted my shoulder and left the kitchen.

°·° time skip besties °·°

It was only around 7 but the five of us were all sitting on the couch in the living room getting drunk. I sat on the end to the left side next to Ben. Acey and Wednesday sat on the right side and the midget sat in the middle.

 Wednesday and Acey were both drunk and were already making out. I was on my third drink when I started to really feel it. I looked over at Ben, who had his eyes fixed on the TV, trying his best to ignore Acey and Wednesday's little makeout sesh. 

Since the rest of us were drunk I thought Ben was too and that now was a perfect opportunity to make a move. 

"Sooo... you uh... come here often?" I asked and sat back trying to look cool.

Ben POV:

"Sooo... you uh... come here often?" an obviously drunk Eric asked me. I looked at him and tried not to laugh. His legs were crossed and he sat back in his seat, probably thinking he looked cool or something but he really just looked like a dork.

"Well I uh... live here. So yeah." I answered. He laughed and tried to think of something to say. 

After multiple obvious tries at flirting with me, Eric finally gave up. I watched as he pouted and took a sip from what must have been his fifth or sixth drink. I felt bad for him and thought of all the times he attempted to be alone with me or something like that and I completely ignored it. The more I thought about it, the more I noticed that I had feelings for him too. 

I looked over at him again and realized he was starting to doze off. I stood up, brushed myself off, and picked Eric up and carried him to his room. I lay him on his bed and sat at the edge of the bed. 

"Ben?" Eric mumbled. I turned around to face him as he sat up.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"I'm cold." He said as he reached his arms out toward me. I crawled into bed next to him and pulled the covers over us.

"Eric?" I said hoping he hadn't fallen asleep already.


"I... I love you." I confessed.

"You do?" He asked wearily.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." 

"So does this mean..?" 

"Yeah, if you want to."

"Well goodnight, boyfriend." he chuckled and hid his face in my chest.

"Goodnight." I said and drifted off to sleep.

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