Something to do with party games

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dont mind the title its 4 am and i gotta go to sleep

joey x eric

Eric POV

"HEY ERIC, YOU READY?" Ben yells from the living room.

"YEAH ALMOST!" I yell back and slip on my old leather jacket. It was a bit small and worn out but it was my favorite so I still continued to wear it. I finally get the jacket on and meet Ben in the living room.

"Alright let's go." I say to Ben. He grabs his stuff and follows me out of the door, locking it behind us. I wait for him at rhe car door since all the doors are locked.

"Nope. We're walking." He says walking past the car and onto the sidewalk.

"What?! But why!" I whine and run to catch up with him.

"Oh calm down. It's not that far anyways." He responds. 

I shove my hands in my pockets and follow behind Ben, occasionally looking up at the clear night sky. 

"Do you know who's gonna be there?" I ask trying to strike up some conversation. 

"Yeah." He simply says.

"Okay who though?" I ask.

"Oh. A few of my friends Acey, Wednesday, and Joey and a few other people." He answers.

I don't know any of those people. I sigh out loud and look up at the sky again for a moment.

"Eric watch out!" Ben yells. I snap out of it and realize I was about to walk into a busy road. A car zips right in front of me. I stumble and fall back onto the sidewalk, hoping I won't get run over.

"Oh my god, Eric are you okay?" Ben rushes over to me and kneels by my side.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just hit my head, that's all." I stand up. I rub the back of my head where I hit it on the sidewalk.

"Well we're right here." Ben points to an apartment building. "You sure you wanna go? I mean, I know new people and parties aren't really your thing and you almost just got run over... I can walk you home if you want and just not go." He suggests.

"No it's okay." I say. Ben's been looking forward to this party all day, so what's the point of ruining his fun over a small scratch.

"You su-"

"Yes, Ben. I'm sure. Let's go." I push past him and open the door to the apartments. We go into the elevator and press the button for the 4th floor.

We step out onto old carpet floors that have definitely seen better days. I follow Ben down the hall, looking down at my feet the entire time. Ben stops suddenly, making me walk right into his side and fall back again, this time onto the stained carpet and not the road. 

"Geez Eric. You sure you okay dude?" Ben helps me up.

"Yeah. I'm fine" I brush myself off. The apartment door opens and a tall-ish guy (definitely not as tall as Ben) with black and red dreads welcomes us inside. There's already tons of people here and apparently more to come according to Ben and the guy with black and red dreads.

Ben runs off somewhere, leaving me with the guy.

"Hey. I'm Wednesday." He introduces himself and hold out a hand for me to shake.

"I'm Eric." I shake his hand. 

"You okay, Eric?" Wednesday asks.

"Yeah. Why?" I scan the room nervously looking for at least on familiar face.

"Nothing." He looks at me then looks away. "You want a drink? Or is that not really your thing?" I can't tell if he's trying to one up me or just genuinely asking.

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