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ben x eric

Eric POV:

Joey woke us all up at 5 in the morning to open presents on Christmas morning. We ate breakfast and sat around the tree. I handed out my presents to everyone and watched as they all opened them.

For Wednesday, I got him a couple movie posters of old horror movies that I was sure he didn't have yet and for Joey I got him some cute little knick-knacks that I found while on tour. For Acey, I got him a coffee mug that I actually made myself. And last but not least, for Ben I got a black and red striped blanket.

The presents were small, but since we were going on tour again in a week, we couldn't really get each other much. From Acey I got a bunch of coffee, from Wednesday I got some cool new platform boots.  

"Ooh, I'm definitely wearing these for our next show." I told him.

"Glad ya like them." Wednesday smiled. And finally, I opened my gift from Joey. He had gotten me a bunch of eyeshadow and eyeliner and other makeup.

"That's so you stop stealing mine!" Joey yelled at me.

"Well now I won't have to!" I yelled back jokingly. "Thanks, Jo."

"No problem." He laughed then Ben started to hand out the gifts he got for everyone.

Everyone got one but me. When he was done handing them out and was watching the guys open the gifts, I looked over at him. He looked back at me. He noticed my confused look and held up his pointer finger at me, he telling me to wait.

I sat back and pouted as I watched everyone else open their presents from Ben.

Maybe he just forgot. I thought.

But what if he doesn't love you anymore? Maybe he doesn't care about you. What if he never cared for you? What if you were just his little toy? What if... What if... What if... The thoughts about Ben ran through my head, waiting for me to explode at him for not really loving me. But I didn't want to make a scene and ruin everyone's Christmas, so I would just talk to him in private later.

Once Acey, Wednesday, and Joey were done opening their gifts from Ben, everyone got up from around the tree and were headed toward the kitchen.

"Wait, guys!" Ben yelled making all of us turn around to see what he had to say. But I really couldn't give a fuck for what he had to say. 

He was pissing me off today. First with ignoring me all morning, then not getting me a present, not even something small like a card or some shit, and then telling me to fucking WAIT?! I was just about done with his shit. I didn't listen to him, I just stared at the ground.  

But for some reason, Wednesday pushed me towards Ben. I looked up at him confused. He unfolded one of his arms from across his chest and pointed at Ben.  

I turned around to see Ben, staring at me, smiling. He held out his hand, indicating for me to grab it. Reluctantly, I did. He looked down into my eyes and smiled a warm smile. I blushed and looked away. 

He hates you I reminded myself. But my thoughts started to fade from my mind as Ben took a little box from his back pocket.

"Eric," He said, getting down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I turned around excited and a little bit confused to see what the guys said. They all nodded their heads with just as much excitement as me. 

"Yes, of course!" I squealed at Ben. He put the ring on my ring finger and stood up. He picked me up and spun me around until we both got dizzy as the guys cheered.

"I love you so much, Eric." Ben whispered. 

"I love you, too." I said and stood on my tip-toes to kiss him.

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