Date Night <3

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still cant think of good titles 👍👍👍

joey x wednesday (idk why I keep writing abt them lol)

Wednesday POV:

I grabbed Joey's hand as we walked down the sidewalk to our house. It was date night and we decided on dinner and a movie at home.

 We had just left the restaurant and were walking home because it was only a few blocks.

I swung our hands together and hummed a song that had been stuck in my head. 

Joey's other hand was in his pocket, protecting it from the early spring cold. 

 "You okay, Jo?" I asked. He'd barely spoke during dinner and anytime I tried to talk to him today, he only responded with a:

"Mhm." He looked away. Work must've just been tough today, that's all. I shrugged and continued to swing our hands.

Thunder rumbled and the sky quickly became crowded with thick gray clouds. Joey and I looked up at the sky worriedly. A raindrop fell on my face and it began to pour.

"AAAAAH!" Joey screamed and ran, dragging me behind him.

"Joey slow down! It's just rain!" I yelled at him, splashing water onto my clothes with each step. He didn't listen to me and continued to sprint down the sidewalk and through the rain. 

"Joey what's wrong?!" I yelled, hoping he'd answer me.

"I hate the rain! And I don't wanna get sick either!" He yelled back.

"Okay, but we can still slow down. We're going the wrong way anyway." I said and pointed back to the way we came.

"O-oh. Sorry. Let's go." he said and pulled me behind him again. I ran to catch up to Joey.

"Jo you okay?" I skipped backwards in front of him.

"Yep. I'm fine." he grumbled.

"Really? 'Cause you don't- Aaah!" I bumped into someone and fell onto the wet sidewalk.

"Sorry!" The person yelled and ran off.

"Wednes! Are you okay?!" Joey snapped out of his attitude and knelt down to help me.

"I think so, yeah." I got to my knees and Joey pulled me up. My pants had ripped and my knees were all scraped up and bleeding. I winced at the pain.

"Oh fuck. We gotta get you home. C'mon." Joey held my hand through the rain as we continued to walk back home.

Lightning lit up the dark stormy sky leaving Joey terrified and me in awe. I let go of Joey's hand for a moment and stood in the rain, looking up at the sky. Joey watched, annoyed that we stopped at first, but smiled and stood next to me.

"See? It's nice." I said.

"Yeah. It is." he agreed.

"Tonight was perfect." I told him.

"Really?" Joey asked.

"Yeah! Aside from the getting hurt part, it was great. And we still have a movie to watch so let's hurry!" I grabbed his hand again as we both ran through the rain and into our house.

We took off our wet shoes at the door and placed them next to each other.

"We should clean up those scrapes." Joey  and I followed him to the bathroom."Sit up on the counter." he said and took a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a wash cloth. He tried to roll my pants up but he struggled with getting them over my knees.

"Take your pants off." Joey ordered.

"Oh?" I said.

"Not like that." he pinched the bridge of his nose and laughed. "So I can clean your scrapes."

"Okay." I jumped down from the counter and pulled my pants off and threw them to the side, leaving me in just my boxers and t-shirt. I jumped back onto the counter again and let Joey clean my knees.

"Alright. There you go." Joey put a few bandaids on me and stood up.

"Dude." I looked down at my knees.

"What?" he turned around and asked.

"Seriously?" I said sarcastically.

"What? You don't like Mickey Mouse?" 

"Not Mickey Mouse bandaids" I yelled jokingly.

"Well then don't ask me to help you again." he pretended to be hurt and walked out of the bathroom. I chuckled, put my pants back on, and followed him.

"Okay. I'll get the popcorn ready. You pick a movie. Got it?" he said.

"Yep." I gave him a thumbs up and ran to go pick a movie. It was between The Abominable Doctor Phibes or House on Haunted Hill. Both really great movies with Vincent Price. 

"Hey, Joey!" I yelled through the door.

"What?" he yelled back.

"Doctor Phibes or House on Haunted Hill?" I asked.

"Uhhhhh... House on Haunted Hill!" he yelled.

"Okay! You ready?" 

"Yeah." he came in the room with a bag of popcorn.

"Alright." I put the dvd in the dvd player and pressed start.

As we were watching, I noticed Joey was coughing a lot and sniffling. Joey sneezed so hard that he accidentally threw the bag of popcorn. 

"Shit!" he looked over the side of the bed at the spilled popcorn.

"I think you need to go to sleep." I switched the TV off and stood up.

"Yeah probably." Joey got up to brush his teeth and change into pajamas. I used the bathroom, got changed, and got in bed as well.

"I hope I don't get super sick." Joey said worried.

"You probably won't. It's probably just a cold. Nothing to worry about." I reassured him.

"Yeah." he said.

"Don't worry. If you are sick, I'll take care of you. Okay?"

"Mhm. Good night, Wednes."

"Night, Jo." I whispered and drifted off to sleep.

In the morning I woke up to Joey coughing in the bathroom. 

"Jo you okay?" I asked as I approached the bathroom. The door was open and Joey was sitting on the floor in front of the toilet clutching his stomach.

"Oh Jo." I said softly and sat by his side. He hid his face in my shoulder and cried. I rubbed back and tried to comfort him. "You wanna go lay down?" I asked him quietly. He nodded. I picked him up and brought him over to the bed. 

I lay him down gently and put the blanket over him. I felt bad for him. Even the smallest cold turned into something worse for Joey.

"Do you need anything?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Alright then." I sighed and rubbed my thumb over his forehead. 

"Do you want me to read you something?" I asked.

"Mhm." he nodded.

"Okay let's see." I got up and looked at all the books we had stacked on a bookshelf. "Ugh. They all sound boring. I'll just tell you a story instead." I sat down on the bed next to Joey.

"Please don't." Joey mumbled.

"Why? You don't like my stories?"


"Wow." I said sarcastically.

"I'm going to sleep. I don't feel good." Joey said and dozed off.

"Hm. Well I think I am a GREAT storyteller." I said to myself.

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