Day Off

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wednesday x acey

Acey POV:

The sun shone through the blinds, flooding the room with light. My alarm went off to remind me to wake up, but since it's Wednesday and I's day off, I turned it off quickly and went to lay back down. 

I turned towards Wednesday to check if the alarm had waken him up, but came face to face with him. "Wednesday!" I yelled and jumped back, resulting in me falling off the edge of the bed.

"Acey!" Wednesday screamed and helped me up quickly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." he said and kissed the top of ny head.

"It's okay." I laughed it off.

"What do you wanna do for breakfast?" 

"Hmmm. How about pancakes?" 

"FUCK NO!" Wednesday screamed.

"Okay okay," I put my hands up. "Cereal then?" I suggested.

"Alright." Wednesday turned and stood up off the bed as I followed him into the hallway and to the kitchen. I went to go sit down at the counter while Wednesday got us bowls and grabbed the cereal from the cabinet.

I lay my head on the counter and watched dreamily as Wednesday ate. 

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Wednesday pointed to the bowl of cereal that was starting to get mushy. (ewww)

"Nah. I'm not really hungry. I'm just tired and bored." I told him.

"Okay." He said and cleaned up our bowls. I stood up slowly and stumbled over to the couch. 

Wednesday POV:

After I put the bowls in the dishwasher I went to go sit with Acey on the couch in the living room, but when I got there, the TV wasn't even on and Acey was passed out. I carefully sat down next to him, trying my best to not wake him up. 

I switched the TV on and it immediately started blasting whatever was on, scaring me and probably Acey too because I felt him jump. I lowered the volume and turned to see if Acey was still sleeping. He opened his eyes for a second, but fell back asleep. 

I switched through the channels until I found that Halloween was on one of the channels, which made sense because it was the middle of October and Halloween was soon. I put it on and watched for a few minutes. 

Acey was still asleep and was now snoring lightly. Then an idea popped into my head. I grabbed the pillow siting next to me. I carefully lifted Acey's head and slipped the pillow under him. I pulled his dreads back and began to twist them into one big braid.

I tied the end with a black hair tie that just happened to be on my wrist and patted his shoulder lightly to wake him up so he could see. 

He rubbed his eyes and looked up at me. 

"Yeah?" he asked. 

"I braided your hair." I told him. He just laughed and put his arm over his eyes in attempt to fall back asleep.

"Nope." I pulled his arm away from his face and dragged him off the couch.

"What?" he whined.

"Get dressed. We're goin' for a walk." 

"Ugh. Do we have to?" 

"Yep." I closed the door to our bedroom and let Acey get dressed. I slipped my jacket and platform boots on and grabbed my keys.

"I'm ready. Let's go." Acey came out of our room and walked over to me.

"Alright!" We stepped outside and I locked the door behind us. We followed the sidewalk down the street we lived on. It was a very small and quiet neighborhood. As we turned the corner and onto the next block, Acey took his hand out of his pocket and grabbed mine. I looked down at our hands and smiled. It felt nice to just have a day away from everything and spend it with the person I care about the most.

We walked a few more blocks when we started to hear thunder. Acey and I both looked up at the sky. Dark grey clouds drifted closer over our heads, blocking most of the light from the sun. Acey scrunched his face as a few raindrops fell on his face.

"Shit. We better run." I grabbed his hand and dragged him back home, trying my best not to get us caught in the storm. Loud thunder boomed from behind us, making me and Acey jump a bit and run even faster as the rain began to pour.

"C'mon!" I yelled at Acey, who slowed down to catch his breath. I slowed down and stopped so he could catch up. We began running again when it began to pour even harder. I realized how far we walked from our house and noticed that just down the street was Eric & Joey's house. 

We got to the door and knocked as loud as we could. Their house didn't have an awning over their door so we were still getting drenched.

Eric finally opened the door and we stumbled in, almost falling over each other trying to catch our breath and shake out the rain from our hair.

"What do you want? We were... kinda busy." Eric said. I noticed that he was only in his boxers, and that his hair was sweaty and tangled. And also that whatever lipstick he had on was now faded and smeared.

"Uh huh. Busy." I smirked.

"Oh shut up." He said hitting me playfully.

"Eric are you okay?" Someone yelled from the top of the stairs. The three of us turned and looked to see Joey, also in just his boxers, hair tangled, and lipstick smeared across his face. 

"Yeah. I'll be right up, just gimme a sec." Eric said. Joey nodded and went back to their bedroom. 

"Sorry." Acey said scratching the back of his neck.

"For what?" Eric asked.

"For kind of interrupting you guys." 

"Oh no it's fine. We were just finishing anyways." Eric admitted. I snickered. "Shut up." Eric pointed at me. 

"Are you guys staying?" He asked. 

"Well I guess. If that's okay with you guys." Acey responded.

"I'm cool with it. And I'm sure Jo won't mind." 

"You guys can sleep in the guest room. Its right past the kitchen."

"Cool. Thanks." I said.

"No problem. And if you need anything, just yell I guess." Eric told us and went back upstairs. Acey and I stripped down to our boxers and hung our soaked clothes over a chair in the corner, opposite of the bed.

I flopped on the bed next to Acey and closed my eyes. I felt him cuddle up next to me and pull the blanket over us. Before we knew it, we were both passed out.

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