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ben x eric 

Ben POV:

I slowly got out of bed and tiptoed down to the kitchen, careful not to wake Eric while doing so. I made a cup of coffee and sat down at the counter. I sipped the coffee carefully and stared at my phone for a good 10 minutes until I realized I had finished it and I was now just sipping air. I stood up from my seat, put my mug in the sink, and went to the living room. I switched the TV on and sat down on the couch, flipping through channels looking for something interesting to watch.

After a few minutes I got bored and just left on whatever I stopped on and went on my phone again for a while. Pulling away from my phone, I looked out the window and realized the sun must have risen a while ago, but Eric still wasn't awake. I quickly stood up and went up the stairs to check on Eric and make sure he was okay.

I opened the door to our room and peeked in. The lights were still off and it seemed that Eric was just still sleeping, and since we didn't have to go anywhere today, I let him sleep. 

I was about to close the door when a very congested and sick sounding Eric said, "Ben? I don't-" he started, but got cut off by a very loud sneeze that startled the both of us. "Ben, I don't feel good."

"Oh it's okay." I said pushing the door open again and turning on the lights. Eric was sitting up in bed. His hair was tangled and messy and I watched as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. I sat next to him on the bed and put the back of my hand to his forehead then his cheek to check his temperature. 

"You're burning up!" I said and got up again, grabbing the box of tissues I kept next to the TV along with my car keys and various other things so I wouldn't forget about them. I put the tissue box in front of Eric and patted his head lightly. 

"Go change your clothes and I'll go make you some soup." I told him. He slowly peeled the covers off his lap and stumbled over to his dresser. I left the room and closed the door behind me, letting Eric have the privacy he needed to get changed while I made him a bowl of soup. 

I emptied a can of chicken noodle soup into a bowl and placed it gently in the microwave for two and a half minutes. When it was done, I took it out of the microwave, placed a spoon for him in it, and carried it carefully upstairs to Eric. 

Eric POV: 

Ben told me to change my clothes while he got me some soup. I slowly stood up and went over to my dresser and picked out a black long sleeve shirt and a pair of dark grey sweatpants to match it and went into the bathroom to change. 

I got out of the bathroom, threw my dirty clothes on the floor and jumped onto the bed lazily so that I was lying on my stomach. Almost at the exact moment, Ben came in with a bowl of soup for me. He placed it on my nightstand and went into the bathroom to grab something. 

I picked up the bowl of soup and sat up again with my legs under the covers slowly slurping at my soup. Ben came out of the bathroom holding a bottle of medicine and a spoon. He made his way over to his side of the bed and sat down next to me and turned on the TV. He placed his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine as I continued to eat my soup. 

"You feeling any better?" he asked.

"Kinda."  I responded. He nodded and rubbed my back as I coughed violently. 

"Well maybe taking some medicine wil help." he got up again and took the medicine and spoon and brought it over to me. He took a spoonful of medicine and tried to get me to take it, but I turned my head, refusing to take it.

"Oh c'mon. It's not that bad. It's either this, or coughing your organs up." he told me. My eyes went wide and let him give me the spoonful of medicine. I gagged as its horrid taste touched my tongue. 

"There ya go. See? Not that bad." Ben said and closed the lid of the medicine. I rolled my eyes and went back to eating my soup, hoping it would cover up the taste of the medicine. Once I finished, I put the empty bowl on my dresser and curled into Ben's side, still coughing. He rubbed the back of my head as I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Ben POV:

I looked down at Eric to see that he was now sleeping peacefully and wasn't coughing or sneezing at the moment. I smiled slightly and whispered to him, "Love you." He must've heard me because he shifted a bit and smiled at me tiredly. 

"Love you, too." he mumbled into my side and fell asleep again. And so did I.

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