Halloween Party

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wednesday x joey / wednesday x acey / joey x eric (yea a lot happens but you'll see)
also a little bit of an a/n: this is going to be a bit different than the other... idk... chapters? So yea enjoy :)

Joey POV:

I had just finished putting on my costume and was just about to start putting on my makeup when Wednesday came into the room. We were throwing a Halloween party tonight with a few friends. Everyone was going to be wearing costumes and watching scary movies and to be honest, probably getting drunk, too. 

Wednesday was going as a werewolf and I was going as a vampire (original. I know).

"You look hot." Wednesday whispered, wrapping his arms around my torso as I continued to apply my makeup.

"So do you." I tilted my head to look up at him

Once I got down the stairs I almost gasped at how many people were here. We only invited the rest of the Murderdolls and a few other friends like Jim, Paul, and Corey. There was at least 7 times as many people here than there was supposed to be.

I pushed through the crowd of people searching for Wednesday, but I couldn't see him. I searched the entire room, but there was still no sign of him.

I looked around, searching for at least someone I knew when I spotted our old guitarist, Tripp in the corner flirting with some drunk girl that looked at least half his age.

"Tripp!" I yelled as I ran over to him. He looked up and waved a me clumsily. The girl rolled her eyes and walked away from us, probably going to get another drink or something.

"Hey dude. What's up?" Tripp asked taking a sip from his drink.

"Why are there so many people here? We only invited you guys and a few other people, not the entire damn city!" I yelled at him.

"C'mon dude, chill. I told a few of my buddies about the party and then they told their buddies and then everyone showed up. Why you stressing about it so much anyway?" He said, lazily putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No reason I guess." I sighed and pushed his hand off of me. "Hey, have you seen Wednesday anywhere? I can't find him."

"Wednesday? Yeah, I think I saw him go into the bathroom with Slade." Tripp pointed towards the bathroom.
The bathroom? With Acey?! "'Kay thanks Tripp. Imma go find him."

"Okay dude. Bye." He said and took another sip of his drink. I pushed through the crowd of people, trying to get to the bathroom, hoping Tripp was just drunk and imagining things.

Wednesday POV: one hour before

"Alright. I'll go down with the party and wait for you." I told Joey and went downstairs. He yelled something back, but I couldn't hear what he said.

I looked around the room in astonishment. "Whoa. That's a lot of people." I said to myself.
Just then, Acey came up to me, two beer cans in hand. "Hey, Wednes~" he said pushing the second can of beer into my hand.

Without thinking. I took a sip from the can. And soon enough, one can turned into 5.
I was now drunk and dancing with Acey. He put his hand on my crotch, making me almost jump. He kept his hand there for a few seconds until he decided to wrap his arms around my neck and go in for a kiss.

No one was watching, so I kissed back. We were both super drunk and horny and had no one but each other at the moment.

"Hey, I have an idea." I whispered and nodded my head towards the bathroom. Acey nodded in agreement and followed me into the bathroom.I lifted him onto the sink and continued to make-out with him. His hands began to become tangled in my hair and my hands were all over him. He broke the kiss to tear off the top part of the costume I was wearing, but he couldn't get it over my head. I took a step back and lifted it off of me.
After we had gotten both of our shirts off, we went back to making out. Acey's arms wrapped around the back of my head, pulling me closer to him. He was squirming underneath me as my hands ran up and down his thighs and back.

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