Dress Up

528 4 17

wednesday x joey 

Wednesday POV:

"I'm boreddd." Joey whined. 

"Too bad." I responded, not looking away from the book I was reading.

"Ugh. C'mon, Wednes. Are you gonna read that dumb book all day."

"I'll have you know that reading is not dumb. It's actually very informational." I said pretending to push an imaginary pair of glasses on my nose.

"Sure. Whatever." Joey said and slumped over the side of the bed, laying his legs over mine. 

"Now leave me alone." I told him and held the book closer to my face.

"Fiiine." Joey slumped off the bed and onto the floor, dragging himself across the carpet and out the door as I watched with pure confusion. I shook my head and went back to reading. 

"Alright." I threw the book on the floor. "I'm bored." I announced to myself and got out of bed, searching the room for something to do.

I came to the corner of the room and almost tripped on something hidden under all the stuff that piled up in this corner after years of barely cleaning my room. I pushed the stuff off of it, revealing an old cardboard box full of my old skirts, dresses, and makeup. 

Carrying the box, I placed it on my bed and began to go through it. I pulled out a tight leather skirt that I stopped wearing years ago for some reason. I guessed I just grew out of it, but the disgusting stench of semen and alcohol filled the air as soon as I took it out of the box. Now I know why I stopped wearing it. I pinched my nose and threw the skirt on the floor next to the book I had been reading.

As I kept searching the box I pulled out a couple of old, faded dresses and skirts along with some heavily used eyeshadow palettes and sticks of eyeliner. This gave me an idea.

I got up from the bed and ran down the stairs quickly, looking for Joey.

"Jo! C'mon, I have an idea." I said when I found him sitting in the living room watching some old horror movie that was on TV.

"What? Wednes, what do you mean?" He asked. I ignored his questions and protests as I dragged him back up the stairs to our room.

"Tada!" I showed him the box. 

"Cool!" He gasped. "Can I put one on?"

"Sure!" I responded excitedly as we both dug through the box trying to make some kind of outfit. 

"Wait, I have and idea. What if we had some kind of fasion contest I guess. Where the one with the best outfit and makeup wins!" Joey suggested.

"Yeah! But we need judges." I said.

Joey POV:

"ACEY! ERIC! BEN! WE NEED HELP!!!" I shouted from the door. Acey came running from down the hall with a worried look on his face, followed by Eric and Ben.

"What? What's wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital again?" Acey questioned frantically.

"No," I laughed. "Wednesday wanted to do a fasion contest thing and we need you guys to be the judges." I explained to the three of them. 

"Oh okay sure." Acey breathed. The three of them sat down on the bed. 

"Uh, Wednesday?" I held up a leather skirt that was sitting on the floor. I held it up to my nose and immediately gagged.

"What? Oh. Heheh." he chuckled and faced the mirror again, trying to concentrate on putting on some black eyeshadow. Shit, Wednesday was already doing makeup and I hadn't even picked an outfit yet!

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