Thought You Were Dead

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acey x wednesday

Acey POV: 

I set the grocery bags on the floor outside of the apartment and searched my pockets for the key. I placed it in the keyhole and pulled down on the handle. I pushed the door open slowly and the feeling of sadness and grief hit me immediately. Everything had felt so lonely since Wednesday went missing. I dragged the bags inside and set them on the counter. 

I was too tired and lazy to put everything away so I decided that I would just put them away later. 

I went to my bedroom and closed the door only halfway behind me. I lay on my bed and looked around the room. When Wednesday was still alive, everything seemed to be full of life and color. Now everything was dull and depressed, just like me.

I stared at the wall in front of me. It was a light grey-ish blue that Wednesday and I painted together. I remember it like it was only yesterday. I turned on my side and stared at my nightstand. On it sat an empty pill bottle, a dead bouquet of flowers, and a polaroid picture of Wednesday and I. Wednesday was wearing a stupid santa hat and I was holding the new black and red guitar he got me for Christmas a couple years back. I reached over and picked up the picture. I stared at it for a while until I began to tear up.

 I turned to what had been Wednesday's side of the bed and curled into a ball, hugging the picture close to my chest. I wish I knew what had happened to him. It's not like he ran away or something because all of his stuff was still here. It was more like one day he was here, and the next day he wasn't. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what happened to him. 

My stomach growled, but I didn't want to eat anything. Come to think of it, I haven't really eaten since Wednesday disappeared, which had been about 2 or 3 weeks ago. It's not like I've been starving myself, but that I had just forgotten to feed myself. I've been too depressed to do... well, anything. It's been super tough because all his stuff was still here, reminding me each day that he's gone and I just don't have the motive to get rid of it all. And also because I'm not ready to get rid of it yet. 

I lay in silence, still hugging the picture. I had calmed down and was feeling very tired. I closed my eyes and tried to convince my body to let me sleep. Suddenly, I hear the door to the apartment open and close. I sat up quickly and quietly tiptoe towards the bedroom door. 

The sound of heavy footsteps that kind of sound like Wednesday's stomp around the kitchen. I listen closely as I hear the intruder open the refrigerator.

"Lazy as always." they say and open one of the bags. I quickly run over to my dresser and pull open the top drawer. I pull out a switch blade and carefully head into the hallway.

"G-get out of m-my house!" I call to the intruder.

"What do you mean? I live here." they respond.

"Wh-who are you?" I inch closer to the kitchen, but still can't really see the intruder.

"Wow. Only gone for a couple of days and you already forget who I am." they laugh.

"Wednesday?! But I thought you were dead! You just- just... disappeared!" 

"What do you mean 'I just disappeared'? I told you I was going to North Carolina to visit my parents. I even asked if you wanted to go!"

"Oh...heheh. I guess I wasn't paying attention. Sorry." I say as I push the blade into my pocket and go to give Wednesday a hug. "I'm glad you're not dead." I tell him as I bury my face in the crook of his neck. "I love you."

"Love you too." he hums.

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