Chapter 1

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*Zed's P.O.V*

In a lot of ways Seabrook has moved on since then. But is always hard to bury your past.

I stuck my hand out of the sand and roared. My little sister and her friends screaming in "fear". I pulled myself out and continued to roar, causing them to run away screaming. I chased them around the beach, them giggling and running. Hey, I'm Zed. And yup, still a zombie. I picked up Zoey. For zombies in Seabrook, things are changing. Everyday is better than the last.

Zoey and I left the beach and headed to Zombietown. Seabrook is getting rid of all of its old anti-monster laws, so now Zombietown is open for everyone. "Come on!" Zoey let go of my hand and ran into town. "Wait! Wait! Wait! No, Zoey, wait for me!" I chased her. "Wait. Watch out!"

I finally caught up to her and we walked down the sidewalk. And business is booming! We walked right up to coach's fro-yo stand. "Hey, hey!" "What's up, Coach?" He laughed, "Oh, football off-season has been good to me, Zed. Invested in a fro-yo cart. Little side hustle, gonna go global, gonna by a car, get some new dress shirts, go on vacation- without my great aunt Edna. Though she loves swimwear weather. You know I might just bring her along." I chuckled, he's always so enthusiastic.

"Cauliflower brains, mocha crunch please!" "You got it!" Seabrook has so many more flavors than just vanilla now. "I'll take a vanilla, Coach." What? I like vanilla.

*Time Skip*

I was walking toward Seabrook power to go talk to my dad. In a couple days, we're even tearing down old Seabrook Power, to build a new cheer pavilion. And not to take too much credit for all the positive changes, but yeah, I did good. It's hard to believe there was a time when people were afraid of zombies.

I walked in to hear my dad talking. "Okay, let's triple check that." "Hey, Dad!" He looked up from his clipboard, "Hey, son! First day as foreman of the demo crew. Big day for zombie-kind!" I patted his shoulder, "Yeah, you'll do great! Just don't make any lame zombie-dad jokes." I chuckled and walked away. "But the workin' stiffs love 'em!" I just shook my head and continued to walk away.

*Your P.O.V*

I stood by Shrimpy as the cheerleaders ran out of the banner to the house. Boys chanted, "Go Shrimpy! Go Shrimpy!" as they ran by. "Cheer Camp! Even more sparkly than I dreamed!" I smiled at Bree's excitement. It is pretty sparkly, isn't it. Hi, I'm Y/N, and as you guessed, this is cheer camp. Now while I am not a cheerleader anymore, Principal Lee sent me out here with them to 'protect them'. I mean I am Tony Stark's daughter and have a suit so it makes sense I guess.

But as you probably noticed, the cheer squad now includes zombies! And they're pretty unified no- "Split up!" I heard Bucky yelled. Well, mostly unified.

The cheerleaders created a path for Bucky to flip down. I rolled my eyes. They all cheered, "Yay, Bucky!" That's Bucky, cheer captain and pain in my neck. Bucky cut off their cheering and began to tell a story, "You've all heard the stories of bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders." Shrimpy cowered in fear. I yawned and rolled my eyes again, Addison chuckled. "Boo!" The Aceys popped up behind Bonzo and Bree, the scare causing them to cower into each other. I smiled, They would make such a good couple. Bucky chuckled, "Well those stories are silly make believe. But you better believe that we are gonna break you down and build you back up into peppy little cheer machines like... Lacey! Stacey! and our most recent Acey, JC." They all came to the front, JC doing a flip. He turned to face Bucky, "I'm Kevin." I chuckled, only being able to imagine the look on Bucky's face. "...Right. We changed my name to JC, which I love by the way." JC put his head down and walked next to the other two Aceys. "Long live the Aceys!" Everyone clapped.

Bucky pointed to them, "You three lead the veterans, you're the A-Team. Addison, Bree, you take the newbies. You're, uh, you're the Z-Team." I rolled my eyes and walked towards Bree. "You can hang out with the Z-Team, Glowstick," Lacey said as I pushed by. Ah yes, my Arc Reactor, still need it and it glows just as blue as ever. "Wow, where'd you get that one? A popsicle stick?"

We went in the house to rest for a bit before we started anything. I sat down and looked at my phone, it was a picture of me and Zed. I smiled but noticed there was zero service out here. "Miss him?" Bree asked. I nodded, "Yeah, and even with my dad's tech, I can't get service out here." "You could always write letters," Addison suggested. "Addison, Bree!" Bucky called. "Yeah Bucky?" "You guys are a member short," he stated putting a hand on his hip. They both turned to me, "Wanna help us?" I shrugged, "Sure, why not." I sat up to go change, "But this is the only time this year I will wear a cheer uniform."

*Zed's P.O.V*

Eliza had told me to meet her here, but I couldn't find her. I heard a megaphone, "There she is." I jogged through the door way to see her standing there. "Hey! Hey! HO-HO! This demolition has got to go!" She turned to me, "They can't tear it down Zed." "Seabrook Power hasn't worked in years," I said, gesturing to the floor below us. "It's an important part of Zombie heritage." "This is progress Eliza! And now, we can even go to Prawn." I handed her the flyer. Prawn is like super-sized prom, but Mighty Shrimp themed. And this is the first year zombies can attend. And it's gonna be epic!

I looked back at Eliza, "I'm loud and proud to be a zombie!" I inhaled, Sometimes too loud. Soon, Z-band tech will get so good, we'll blend right in. "I dream of a day we ditch our Z-bands and let our inner monsters roar! AUGH!" Eliza roared into the megaphone. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of there.

Same Heart, New World? (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now