Chapter 9

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*Your P.O.V*

I woke up next to Zed, "Good morning." I smiled at him, "Morning." "You feeling any better?" He asked as he moved a piece of hair out of my face. I nodded and I bopped his nose, "Much better." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I was going to, but I figured it wouldn't be so bad. I guess all the stuff that went on yesterday stressed me out," I rubbed my eyes, I now noticed my throat was sore. "I'm sorry, that was mostly my fault..." "Zed, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you, you would worry. But you don't need to worry about me, you have an election to win."

"Breakfast is ready kiddos!" Zevon shouted from the kitchen. "Thanks Dad! Be there in a minute!" He looked at me, "What should I wear today?" I chuckled, "Um your football jacket, a maroon shirt, and black jeans. Whatever shoes you want.  What about me?" He tapped his chin, "Hmmm, one of my gray shirts, a split pink/green plaid shirt, and black jeans." He pointed his finger to the ceiling, "AND maroon converse." I chuckled. "Of course Mister President." He chuckled too and we went to get ready.

*Time Skip*

I sat in the cafeteria, waiting on Addison. "It's election day, Seabrook! We have an assembly to hear from our presidential candidates, and it is going to be so good to see you all!" I chuckled at Principal Lee and continued to read.

A bunch of chatter came from the crowd, causing me to turn. I saw Addison in her wolf attire, I smiled but it fell when she walked by the Aceys. "Whoa. Bad hair day?" Lacey started. "Bad hair life?" Stacey finished. "I think it looks great," Addison retorted, making me smile. "Yeah, not so much," JC commented before they snapped. "Addison, if you ever expect to be cheer captain-" "Well maybe I don't. Maybe cheer team isn't for me after all." The Aceys gasped and left. I clapped and stood up, walking towards her, "Yes ma'am!" I hugged her, "I'm glad you found your place." She smiled, "Me too. But I think Zed-" And on que, Zed ran in.

"Addison! Y/N! I was up most of the night thinking. You're not a werewolf, you can't be." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "But I love moonlight strolls," Addison countered. "Yeah, you love sunsets on the beach too, that doesn't mean you're a vampire." I spoke up, "Zed.." "Look. It's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me." I shook my head, being a monster isn't inherently a bad thing. "All I've ever wanted was to find my pack. And now I finally have," she opened the box. She handed the box to Zed, "When I see the wolves I'm going to put this on. I'm sorry I probably won't make the debate, but I need to find the wolves." She hugged Zed then she hugged me, "Good luck girl. I'm proud of you." She smiled at me then turned to Zed, "Good luck." She turned and walked away.

I looked at Zed, he seemed hurt. "Whoops! Don't want to forget that," she grabbed the box out of Zed's hand. "You're gonna do great, bud." Addison walked away and to the hall. "Just be happy for her Zed, she's our friend."

Eliza ran around the chairs, "Guys! Are you ready for the debate? Come on, we're gonna be late!" Zed and I followed Eliza.

We walked into the auditorium, "You're going to prove to everyone that we're more than just-" "Monsters.." Eliza and I followed Zed's gaze to see new posters all over the walls and new flyers. "Bucky made me look.." "Scary," I grabbed his hand, squeezing it. He took a deep breath and walked up to the podiums.

He kept looking at the posters, I could feel his anxiety rising. "Hey, hey, this," I pointed to the posters. "Is not you. That isn't the Zed we know. The Zed I know." I kissed his cheek and walked away to go set some stuff up.

*Zed's P.O.V*

I watched Y/N walk away, I don't deserve her... "Hey, do you have your speech?" Eliza asked, walking up to me. "Yup," I pulled it out, Addison's necklace laying in the fold. "Addison's necklace?" I sighed, "I took it. I can't let her become a werewolf. I have to protect her, she's my friend." Eliza furrowed her brows incredulously at me and then rolled her eyes, "We will deal with this later. This election is what's important right now. You as president, that's what zombies need." She put the necklace in my jacket.

*Your P.O.V*

It was now time to debate, "Your first nominee, of course-" The Aceys took the microphone, "Running for president, wearing the sequined Might Shrimp uniform," Lacey started then Stacey to the mic. "Three time MVP, lean, mean, cheering machine." JC now had it, "And captain of our hearts..." "BUCKY!" I rolled my eyes as Bucky ran out.

"Okay and your other candidate," Eliza and I decided to introduce Zed. "Oh, yeah, okay." "Introducing our soon-to-be first green-haired president and repping a proud people," I took the mic from Eliza. "Don't forget, football star, Zed!" Zed walked up, high-fived Bonzo and went to his podium. Eliza took the mic back, "Hear him roar!" She growled, causing me to laugh. "Um, no, actually we're not going to roar. No roaring." I sighed and shook my head. "Zed will fight for you!" "Eliza-" "You know what?" Zed ran to Eliza, "I'm not gonna fight. 'Cause, no, this isn't a fight. This is just a nice, lil' cordial debate we're having here today." Lee took back the microphone, "Good to hear, Zed." They awkwardly high-five. "Are you ready to battle!?" Everyone cheered.

Bonzo started the music, "Garuzic!" I smiled, "You got this Zed." I kissed his cheek.

(You hyped Zed up with Eliza)

Bucky threw down the flyer in his hand, "No!" I chuckled, "Hurts doesn't it?" He glared at me, I smirked and went to the stage. "Zed for prez! Vote for me cause I swear, I'm no monster."

I smiled and walked up the steps. I heard electricity and look to see Zed's Z-band surrounded by electricity. The Z-band was becoming unstable. "That's not good." Zed began to zombie out, roaring and growling. Eliza came up to the stage, "Addison's necklace is shutting down your Z-band!" I looked at her, "What?!" Everyone started screaming and Bucky pushed past me to get on stage. "See! See! He's a monster!" "Bucky, what is wrong with you!?" I got up and tried to get Zed to look at me.

"Can't let them... see me... as monster!"  He leaned on the podium. "Zed, Zed! Baby look at me! Breathe, focus," I tried to get him to match my breathing. "You can control this. You don't have to hide Zed!" He turned from me and roared in Bucky's face. "I know you won't hurt me big guy, but they don't!" Zed picked up the podium. "Zed!" "Come on, throw it!" I had to duck as Zed threw the podium over me. "Y/N, Zed, remove the necklace!" I scrambled to Zed's wrist, but he took it off first. "You couldn't have said that earlier!"

Zed was back to normal and looked around. Nearly everyone was scared of him. He panicked and ran. Eliza followed him first. "Is that all you care about? Winning?" I got in Bucky's face. "Sch! Yeah!" "And you don't care about who you hurt in the process huh?" "Oh come on, he wasn't gonna hurt anyone," he said shrugging. "That doesn't matter. You will step on everyone to get to the top." I ran out to catch up with Zed.

I ran to find Zed but I couldn't see him anywhere. I heard the alarm, "The Z-alarm? That can't be about Zed right?" "Monster activity at Seabrook Power." My eyes widened, "The wolves!" "Y/N!" "Addie, Bree!" "Come on, we need to help the wolves! Let's go!" I ran with them to Seabrook Power, picking up more help on the way.

Same Heart, New World? (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now