Chapter 7

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(a/n: I don't know how to incorporate "Gotta Find Where I Belong", I know it's a pretty important song, so I'm gonna try to make it a conversation. So be prepared for a lot of P.O.V changes)

*Your P.O.V*

After I left Zed alone I went to find Addison. "Addison! There you are," I went right up to her. She had tears in her eyes. "Addison, come here," I brought her in for a hug. "How do you make it look so easy?" I sighed, "I'm just good at deceiving.." We pulled away and I had my hands gripping her shoulders, sadly smiling at her. She looked toward the cheer room. "I just want a bit of that feeling for myself, you know?" I nodded, "I know." We started walking, "I don't worry about finding a soulmate, I just want someone who knows me." She nodded, "You and Zed are perfect for each other, what do you mean?" "Every now and then we need a little bit of help." She went to change.

When she finished the bell rang, "I just don't feel like I belong anywhere, Y/N." I nodded, "Sometimes you don't have to belong Addison."

*Zed's P.O.V*

I walked through Zombietown talking to Bonzo about what happened between Y/N and I, "How do things keep going wrong? How did we get here?" I looked at him as he spoke. "Yeah B' I get that, but I just don't know what to do." He started to give me advice.

*Your P.O.V*

"It's like the more I try to cover up my flaws the more obvious they are." "Maybe that means you need to embrace it and not treat them like flaws.." She shook her head, "I gotta find where I belong." I nodded, "Then I'm gonna help you."

*Zed's P.O.V*

I was looking at a photo of Addison, Y/N and I, "I wish I could feel the way they do sometimes. They're stuck on the outside, while I'm in here, wondering why I had to make things worse, they were already hurt.. I don't need to be another thing on their mind.." Bonzo just nodded. "I just wanna make a change you know? But all I seem to keep making is mistakes. I wanna hold Y/N up, but I'm just pushing her away. She wants to help Addison and I'm holding her back." I saw the Prawn sign, seeing the added red sign that said zombies weren't allowed. "I just wanna understand but every time I can't and I don't know why."

I shook my head, "How did I get this so wrong, Bonzo? To leave us right here..."

*Your P.O.V*

Addison and I walked into her house, her parents in the living room. We walked past them into her room. "Everywhere I go, it doesn't feel like home," she said after sitting her bag down. I sat mine down too, "You're parents act like they know?" She nodded, "I guess I need to leave to finally see if there's someone out there that's just like me." I sat on her bed, "Then you'll go?" "Yeah, I'll go," she held a bow to her hair but put it down.

I walked over to her and put my hands on her shoulders looking at her in the mirror, "Go find where you belong girl. I'll support you, just call me when you get there." She turned to me, "You're not coming with me?" I shook my head, "This is your journey to take not mine. But I am here for you." I walked to the door grabbing my bag, "And even though it doesn't seem like it, Zed is too. He just doesn't know how to show it.." I walked out and made the long walk to Zombietown.

*Time Skip*

It was dark by the time I got to Zombietown. Sure, I was mad at Zed but I still love him and I know he's beating himself up. Also if I don't show all three of them (Zoey, Zevon, and Zed) are gonna freak out and assume I got hurt.

I walked into the house and saw Zed wasn't waiting for me in the living room or kitchen. I shrugged and went to his room, assuming he was in there. "Zed?" No one. I frowned, confused. "Okay his stuff is here but he's not, hmm.." "He's in the backyard," Zoey said out of nowhere. I jumped, "Geez Zoey, you startled me." I chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Hey, watch the merchandise!"

I walked out to the backyard area. "Zed?" He was sitting out our little picnic table with fairy lights surrounding him, my letter-poms and his feet. "Babe, what are you doing?" He jumped a bit, a sad smile on his face. "I-uh-I w-was putting our letters back together.." I smiled, "Awe, Zed." I looked at the letter he was putting together right now. "'We belong together!' I wrote that one." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "We do, I'm sorry about earlier... I just-" "Zed, I know you're frustrated and scared, but what you said was really hurtful." "I know and I don't even know why I thought it was okay to say anything like that." "Zed, I accept your apology but I'm not the only one you need to apologize too... Addison doesn't know where she belongs, and she needs our support, she needs your support." I stood and he followed. "You're right..." He went to walk away but came back, "Come with me?" I giggled, "Yeah." I grabbed his hand and went to go get help from Bonzo and Eliza.

We saw them at Bonzo's place. "Guys, I have to go apologize to Addison, right now!" Bonzo turned to Eliza, "Gruzah!" I chuckled. "Yeah I know, I want to see that too. You know, ever since football ended, I've missed watching you get pummeled," Eliza said. An announcement went off, "Attention all citizens, all curfews will be strictly enforced!" Bonzo voiced his concerns and Zed agreed, "Yeah, with the curfew in effect, it's gonna be nearly impossible to get past the Z-patrol."

Bree ran up to us, she seemed very worried. I pointed at her, "Except, Bree just did." She was trying to catch her breath, "Have you, have you guys seen Addison?" My heart nearly dropped, "I was just with her not too long ago, why?" "She texted me for help but she's not home, and she's not answering her phone." I looked at Zed worried. "..Oh.. Hey Bonzo.." I saw Bree making goo-goo eyes at Bonzo. "Guys! Focus," Zed said, getting their attention. "Addison needs help, Eliza can you track her phone?" She nodded, "If her phone is on I can." Her tablet beeped then showed Addison in the Forbidden Forest. "She's in the Forbidden Forest.." "The wolves! They kidnapped her. We've gotta go save her!" Zed took off, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him.

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