Chapter 6

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*Your P.O.V*

Zed came home with Zoey on his shoulders, "Zoey, how do you think that went with the werewolves?" "I think it went pretty well." I met them in the kitchen, "Hey, Zoey, did you get all your homework done before you went with Zed?" She shook her head, "No, but I only have a little bit left to do!" I smiled and squatted down to her level, "How about you go finish that, and if you can finish before your dad gets home from work we can play video games. Sound like a deal?" I stuck my hand out for her to shake. "Deal!" She shook my hand and went to go do her homework. I watched her run to her room, smiling. I can't wait till my little sister gets a bit older and I can make deals with her like that.

I stood and turned to Zed, brow raised as I leaned on the counter, "So the werewolves were willing to 'do it like the zombies do?" "Not exactly... But! I think they may come around," he said, leaning on the table, crossing his arms. I nodded and turned to do some dishes in the sink, "Alright." I began thinking about it. The werewolves seem so proud so confident in themselves and that they are different, I wish Zed would do the same.

I sighed and turned to Zed. "What is it?" "Zed," I walked to him, putting my arms around his middle. "You know even if you don't win, Prawn is something that is made to be experienced with the ones you love. If you don't win, let's throw a Zombie Prawn, anyone invited." He smiled and kissed my forehead, "That sounds like a great idea, but I think I've got the wolves vote."

*Time Skip*

I was walking down the hall towards Zed when Willa stopped me, "I need to talk to you, right now!" I nodded and began to follow her. This can't be good.

"What is that?" She pointed to my chest. "This? It's my arc reactor," I said, my hand immediately going to it. "What does it do?" I sighed, "It keeps me alive. I have a heart condition and this keeps it in check..." "So it's similar to our moonstone," she concluded. I nodded, "I guess... What's a moonstone?" She held up her necklace, "This. It keeps werewolves alive and lets us be our true selves." I smiled but it disappeared when I began coughing. I assume her alpha instincts kicked in because she was at my side in a instant. "Are you okay?" I nodded, gaining my breath back. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay. My body is just getting use to the new reactor." She tilted her head, "New reactor?" "My heart condition is ever changing, so I have to update my reactor. It takes a bit to adjust to it," I said, drinking my water. "We need to recharge our moonstones to keep us alive too." "I guess we're more alike than we thought." "Willa! Wynter ate someone's homework again!" Wyatt called from down the hall. "I need to go." "Yeah of course, go do your thing."

After she left I ran to find Zed. I found him, Eliza and Bonzo talking by his poster. "Yeah I look a little human," I heard Zed say. I stopped and hid, eavesdropping. "But that's only because people are lumping werewolves and zombies together. I gotta show them that I'm nothing like those furballs." I frowned, they aren't evil, why does everyone think that. Zed should understand more than anyone that being stereotyped and hated because of the past is hurtful.

I walked to them like I heard nothing. "Hey guys!" They jumped and turned. Bonzo greeted me in zombie. Zed put his arm around my shoulders, "Hey, how'd you do on that test?" I furrowed my brows, "The Physics test or the Trig test?" "Physics." "Oh, I passed," I said casually. Zed shook his head, "How? That test is sooo hard!" I shrugged, "My dad is basically a genius and creates suits that fly, he taught me all I need to know." "Lucky," he said, pouting. I elbowed him, "Oh hush, I could have helped you study."

*Time Skip*

Zed, Eliza and I were in the library working on campaign stuff for Zed. Bonzo then burst through the doors, startling all of us. I coughed a bit, "Geez B', everything okay?" He nodded smiling, telling us the wolves were practicing with the cheer team. I smiled, "That's-" "What?!" Zed jumped up, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him, Eliza following behind.

We walked up to the gym doors, hearing music coming from inside. Bonzo opened the door and we saw the wolves dancing with the cheerleaders. The music stopped and Wyatt caught Addison. They were smiling at each other. I smiled at them. "Yeah. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Addison," Eliza said, reading their body language as well. "Yeah I agree," I said smiling.

"That was amazing! You're all natural cheerleaders!" Addison commented. "You know I'm sure she is convincing the wolves to vote for me," Zed said. I let go of Zed's hand and walked to Addison.

"We wolves work well together," Wyatt said as I walked up to them, making me stop. "But I'm not a wolf," Addison said, confused. "Hmm," Wyatt had a smirk on his face. Wynter started coughing, Wyatt, Addison and I turning to her. Her eyes were yellow and she began kneeling. That's what Willa was talking about.

I turned and walked back to Zed, my plan to talk to Addison forgotten about. I got back to him, shaking a bit. If the wolves don't find their moonstone, they will die. "You okay?" Zed hand rested on my cheek when he noticed my slight panic. I nodded, swallowing, "Yeah." My hand resting on his, "Yeah, I'm okay." He didn't look convinced but couldn't voice his concerns because Bucky cut him off. "Well done, Addison! With werewolves on the team, this election is so in the bag." I felt Zed tense up. "This isn't about politics Bucky! I always just felt like cheer could unite," Addison retorted. "You are gonna make a great cheer captain!" Bucky knew just what to say to get someone on his side. "I'm gonna be cheer captain!" I smiled. "I was thinking the team could go beyond trophies and we could start an outreach program," Addison told Wyatt. Bucky interjected, "Whoa. Cheer is what I say cheer is about. And it's about winning." My smile fell, "There it is." Bucky was now introducing himself to all the wolves. Wyatt began talking to Addison quietly.

"Well I thought I had the wolves..." "Zed, Bucky is so two faced. One second he hates monsters the next he's shaking their hand. It's all about winning to him." My hands cupped his cheeks. "You think I'm a monster?" My eyes widened, "No, no Zed, of course not!" Zed took off. I put my head down. "Y/N!" I turned to see Addison running towards me. "Where did Zed go?" I look towards the wolves and Addison. I looked in the direction he went, "He had to go do something. I better catch up with him. Congrats on captain." I walked away from her.

I ran as soon as I heard the door close, "Zed!" I saw him at his locker, "Zed." "What?" I stopped, he was upset. "Zed, I don't think you're a monster." He slammed his locker causing me to jump. "Do you know how hard it was for zombies? Now everything is being handed to the werewolves on a silver platter!" "Actually they hate silver.." He shook his head. "I'm trying to win an election for my people, for you! So we can go to Prawn together, so we can be accepted." I went to the poster on the wall, "This is not being accepted Zed!" I walked back to him. "That is being afraid to show who you really are." I saw tears in his eyes, "Says the girl who built a necklace to hide herself. Addison wore a wig her whole life, and now you want to tell me not to hide myself." I heard a gasp behind Zed. "Addison-" "Yeah, I did. Because I felt like an outsider and even though I might be cheer captain I still do! You know I don't have a place here Zed!" Her whole life she has been told she doesn't belong, her wig let her fit in and 'find her place'.

"I don't have a-a zombie crew! I don't know what I am!" I went by Addison, ready to comfort her. "So excuse me for respecting a pack of werewolves who are proud of who they are!" I put a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her, but she shook it off and walked away. "Out of anyone, I would have expected you to understand that fitting in is what every teenager wants! I was lucky enough to be encourage to embrace myself. Yeah I hid my reactor! I was coming to a new school and living in a new town where being different was frowned upon! So please forgive me for my insecurity." I walked away before I had a coughing fit in front of Zed.

Same Heart, New World? (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now