Chapter 13

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*Your P.O.V*

The sun was setting and it was almost time for Prawn. "Hey, you guys can wait here, I shouldn't be too long," I said, stopping at the gate. They nodded and I walked into Zombietown. 

As I walked to the house my heart rate sped up, nervous as to what Zed would think. I got to the door and knocked. "I'll get it!" I heard Zoey shout, followed by her footsteps running to the door. It swung open, "Y/N!" I smiled, kneeling down to hug her, "Hey Zoe!" "Zoey, who's at the do- Y/N, you look amazing!" Zevon said, coming around the corner. I stood and gave him a hug too. "Thank you!" I looked around behind him, "Where's Zed?" "Oh, I'm sorry hun, he stepped out just a bit ago. I figured he would be back by now..."  Zevon rubbed my shoulder. "I-It's okay, I guess it'll be any even better surprise later," I gave a small smile, trying to hide disappointment. 

I cleared my throat, "I guess I'll go put my stuff in the room and head to Prawn." He nodded, "Sure." I went to walk to our room, "Wait I need a picture!" I pulled my phone out, "Say brains!" "Brains!" I smiled at the photo and then put my stuff in our room.

*Zed's P.O.V*

I ran into the wolf den. The sight of sick wolves hurt me and I knew it was my fault.

I saw Wyatt and Willa tending to sick wolves and walked up to them. They saw me and walked to me. "They were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power," I started. "And I was wrong about werewolves. You have every right to fight for who you are." "Yeah, but what are we now, zombie?" Wyatt asked. "You're fierce, proud werewolves!" Willa scoffed, "Yeah, they think we're monsters." I smirked a bit, "Yeah. We are monsters." They shared a look, smiling slightly.

"What's your plan?" Willa asked. "Well, we crash Prawn." "Why would we do that?" I shrugged, "Well, we're monsters right? We break rules." "Well, we better get ready," Wyatt said. I nodded, "Meet me in Zombietown, we can head to Prawn from there."

*Time Skip*

It didn't take too long for all of us to get ready, "The wolves should be-" "We aren't late are we?" We all turned to see the wolves. "Just on time actually," Eliza responded. "Well, let's go crash this Prawn."

We walked up, seeing a limo/bus pull in, "I bet that's Bucky." The Aceys and Bucky stepped out, "Knew it." Eliza and Willa elbowed me, "Ow!" "Shh, we have to have a cool entrance," Wynter said. 

We began walked and the limo/bus drove away. "What's that?" Bucky asked, noticing us. "It's zombies!" "And werewolves!" "In formal wear?" "They look good!"

We walked right up to Bucky and the Aceys, "You guys can't be here! There are laws against this!" "Yeah, well, bad laws are meant to be broken," I retorted. "And monsters don't follow the rules," I low-fived Eliza. "Zombies are a part of Seabrook, Bucky. We deserve to be here." "We're a part of Seabrook, too. The originals in fact," Wyatt said. Bucky went for the Z-Alarm, "Well someone's gotta stop you." Willa growled at him, showing her fangs and bright eyes. "Welcome to Prawn," Bucky reluctantly said.

Willa calmed down but she began to cough. My worry snuck into my expression, her cough reminding me of Y/N. She stopped coughing and we went in.

*Your P.O.V*

Addison and I were in a group talking when we heard, "Hey, look!" My brow furrowed as I turned and look, seeing wolves and zombies walk in. I smiled and looked for Zed. 

I almost gave up when I saw him walk in last, looking at the floor. He finally looked up and saw me. I walked up him, seeing him swallow his nerves away. "You look- I-I can't even begin to- wow," he had a goofy grin on his face. "You don't look so bad yourself," I fixed the lapels on his jacket. His smiled dropped as he looked over my shoulder. I followed his gaze, seeing Addison comforting a wolf. "I have to go apologize," he said walking to her, grabbing my hand.

Same Heart, New World? (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now