Chapter 2 - Adventure

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Scars POV

Putting his Dark brown jacket on, he headed out the door pickaxe in hand. Grabbing his elytra out of his inventory and strapping the wings onto his shoulders. Opening the mechanical wings he inhaled the air, closed his eyes and picked a direction to adventure in. Scar opened his communicator and started typing.

Goodtimewithscar :
"Im heading out."

Xisuma :
"Where exactly are you going?"

Goodtimewithscar :
"Not sure, somewhere to just take a walk, or to be on an adventure I don't know?!"

Xisuma :
"Can you take someone with you?"

Goodtimewithscar :
"Do I have to? I think going alone would be better."

Xisuma :
"Fine, just don't die."

Goodtimewithscar :
"Can't promise anything."

Scar grinned as he put his communicator in his inventory. Taking off into the air, the warm air swirling through his lungs was one of the feelings that nobody could explain. It had been 3 hours of flying and Scar had gotten tired. The sun began to set and Scar didn't knew where he was. Pulling out his communicator he turned the machine on to ask where he was. The screen went black, his communicator was out of battery, and he was in the middle of the rainforest with nowhere to go.
He could hear the zombies come out.

A zombie growl startled him and before he could think, he launched into the air out of the trees. Flying down back into the woods, one of his elytra wings tore on a branch. He was not the most agile, or the best treetop glider, so it wasn't a surprise that he had crashed. He wobbled in the air, struggling to catch his balance as he hit a branch that stopped his momentum. He layed on a wide branch of a willow tree. The branch he had hit marked a giant cut in his right leg, making it unable to move very much. The tear in his elytra makes it almost impossible to get anywhere.

He's just stuck on a branch of a tall tree, with nobody to help him, no way to get down. Nobody knew where he was. The message of him saying: "Not sure, just somewhere to take a walk, or to be on an adventure I don't know?!"
just kept swirling in his mind, why did he not say where he was going. Anything he could think of helped the stinging pain in his leg. He lifted his head, it was so blurry, so dizzy, it was so hard to see.

When did the world suddenly start spinning?

Grians POV

Grians bare feet hit the patio of the market in his town. He had baskets full of fruits. He was the head shiftman of the food suppliers. The town that struggled with food supplies thanked the suppliers very much for keeping them alive. Grian loved his job. Every day he got to breathe in the air of the forest, every day he got to see something new.

He signed out of his work and headed back home. Grians treehouse was farther away from the town. It did not have any rope bridges or paths connected to it. It was just a treehouse in the middle of the forest that everyone knew the location of. He stepped into the front door of his warm home and dropped his weapons off. He grabbed an extra coat, the Rainforest got surprisingly cold during the night. At least this forest did.

He launched himself back into the air after his short pitstop after work. He was on his way to meet up with Sozora at the launch pad. The academy of the town had flight lessons for the younger children, at night him and Sozora met at the launch pad to talk.

"Why are you so late to everything today?" Sozora grinned as Grians bare feet hit the launch pad.

"Just being myself, maybe your just early." Grian looked at her as she crossed her legs when she sat down.

Sozora and Grian chatted and joked for hours, none of them realized how late it was until Sozora yawned and fell asleep on Grians shoulder. Grian nudged her awake.

"We should probably start heading home." Grian helped her to her feet and gave her a hug.
She nodded and hugged her short friend one more time. His wings were soft and warm, and on the sides of his face sat small patches of feathers. It was hard to see in the dark. The two friends were used to it since they met every single night.

Flying back to his treehouse he was tired and felt like lying on the floor and falling asleep there instead of making his way back home. But he did make his way home and got his night blouse on. Closing his blinds, he layed down, got his wings comfortable, and tried to get sleep for the days to come. 
His eyes slowly drifted to sleep.

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