Chapter 3 - Lost

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Grians POV

Grians eyes squinted open. How late had he gotten home last night? He sat up, wincing. His wings felt like they had weighed a thousand pounds. He still managed to get out of bed, getting his sweater on, and heading back out to work, just like every other day. He flew to the town and tripped when his feet hit the ground. The market was a 5 minute walk. Grian didn't want to fly. He forgot that the launch pad was quite a flight away.
"Grian why are you late today?" Dusk looked at Grian in worry.

Dusk was one of Grians managers. He was a twin with his sister Dawn. Both twins had charcoal painted hair, and red eyes. They had ran the market with their parents for longer than the towns people could remember.

"Just had a late night." Grian was in a stubborn mood. He grabbed his basket and moved his hair out of his face. Walking to the launch pad he opened his sore wings. He glided down to the forest floor, today he was just going to walk. 3 hours of walking through the rivers and rocks of the Rainforest, he caught something in the corner of his eye.

He set his basket down In a place he wouldn't forget. Walking over to a willow tree, stroking the trunk with his hand. Cold, dry blood with warmer fresher blood continuously running down it. Grian had been safe in his treehouse and his town for so long, he was not sure if he was safe anymore. Swaying his wings he flew up the trunk to follow the blood stains. His dirt covered feet hit a wide willow tree branch. He was speechless. A man wearing a brown coat lie against the trunk of the giant tree. He had marks on his face, he must have had them forever. He was clearly unconscious. Blood dripping down from his leg. He wasn't from the Rainforest. He had wings, they were mechanical, they were ripped.

Grian knew he had work to do, collecting food for his people, but he couldn't let this man die. He was in pain, his leg must've been numb. Grian put the man's arm around him and tried to fly him to his treehouse while holding his basket. This man was human, could he trust him? He layed the man on his bed and looked at his leg. The basket was set down next to the doorframe.

Grian tried to treat the wound as best as he could, cleaning it with a wet rag soaked from a small river down below. He searched for extra bandages and stitches around his house and luckily found a sewing kit in his bathroom with a decent needle.

That would have to do for now.
Striking a match against a match box, Grian turned around to the man laying in his bed. Why did he keep looking at him? He threw the match onto wood sitting in his fireplace. The man was probably freezing. Grian put his hands near the fireplace to warm them up, then made his way to the man and held his hands to try to warm him up.

Contemplating if he should leave or not, it had been 20 minutes of waiting for the man to wake up and he was still unconscious from a bang on the head and the loss of blood. Grian picked his weapons back up and started to head out the door. Of course, he had to check on the man one more time. Walking back to the basket he left on the floor, he realized his shift was almost over. He saved someone, it was an excuse that was hard to believe.

Scars POV

Scars hand felt warm, he wasn't sure if he was dying or not. His leg still stung more than anything in the world, and his limbs ached. He managed to open his eyes, it had been pitch black for god knows how long. His arms trying to lift him up into a sit up position but he was to weak too. It was so cozy, he never questioned how he got there, it just felt so safe. The sun started to set and he had thought back to the hermits. Xisuma was probably worried, he did promise him not to be gone for too long. Now he was stuck in a Rainforest god knows where, in someone's house.

Just when he was about to try to sleep again, he squinted at the door. There was a man there. He had messy blond hair, a red sweater, the most beautiful wings Scar had ever seen. The most odd thing about him was that the man looked worried. Why was he worried for someone he didn't even know the name of. Scar tried to gather strength to say something, his energy was gone. The man walked into the room and sat on the bed next to scar and swiped Scar hair out of his face. Grian didn't know Scar was awake. Scar wasn't sure why, but he felt so safe. His hand brushed against Grians. Right when Grian was about to get up to leave the room, Scars hand gripped tightly onto Grians when he stood up. Grian glanced to Scars face, his face was bright red.

Grians POV

Grians hand was tightly grabbed onto by the boy. He wasn't scared, his face was suddenly warm. Instead of leaving, he sat back down. The man managed to get some words out.

"I am so sorry!" The man whispered with a weak voice.

"It's alright." Grian said, flustered.

"How are you feeling, what your name, how did you get here?" Grian was very confused.

Scar looked to his side, he was exhausted.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, that's probably a lot to answer for you, Good Night." Grian made his way out of the room and quietly shut the door.
He went to the bathroom to wash his face, looking in the mirror, his face was bright pink.
He forgot to meet with Sozora. He had a plan for the next day, he would go to work to call in "sick" probably running into Sozora to explain what was going on. His eyes were wide open, but he eventually drifted asleep.

Authors note

Oops, didn't expect that long of a chapter.

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