Chapter 5

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Author's pov:

The hot water out of the shower trickled down his smooth unmarked collarbone and towards his milky abs, his long tattooed fingers swiped back the long black hair. Jungkook turned off the faucet and grasped two white towels, tying one around his waist as he walked out of the shower while drying his hair with the other towel.

It was finally morning, the time he was yearning for since last night. He was excited to meet his doll, Jimin. Last night, the older man ditched him but Jungkook will take revenge on that. But now, Jungkook was planning on doing many things with him.

He couldn't wait to grab that waist and push him to the wall and taste those plump cherry lips, suck and mark that soft neck, just thinking of them making out was making the mafia horny.

"I'm coming for you, doll." Jungkook said grinning as he buttoned his blue jeans and put on a black tee. He combed his long black hair and tied it up into a bun before heading out of his room with his mobile.

He whistled his way to Jimin's room, all enthusiastic about performing his plan. As he reached, he entered the password. Jimin's room was kind of different, the door of his room cannot be opened from inside. Basically, Jimin can't come out of the room until or unless someone opens the door for him after unlocking it with a password.

Jungkook peeped his head in and found him sleeping soundly in the fluffy bed, he closed the door behind him.

"Wow." Jungkook scoffed as he stood by the bed, "he is sleeping so peacefully after disobeying me and I had to help my horny dick to sleep last night." He rolled his eyes and then glared at him.

The way Jimin's left cheek was squished into the pillow, his blonde strands laying all over his face softened Jungkook's eyes. For a moment, he forgot everything and just stared at how beautiful and sexy Jimin was. He gulped as he looked at the puckered lips he had been hungering for.

He smirked and laid beside him slowly, he pulled Jimin closer to his body and nuzzled his nose into his neck. He sniffed the older and oh how good he smelled! He placed a soft kiss on Jimin's neck before biting it hard.

Jimin's eyebrows met each other and he screamed jolting up from his sleep, Jungkook beamed as he leaned back and looked at Jimin rubbing his neck with a scowl on his face.

"What--" Jimin almost cursed and turned out to only meet that broad smile of Jungkook.

"Did you just bite my neck?" He cried out while still rubbing the bitten part of his neck, Jungkook ignored his question.

"Why didn't you obey me last night?" Jungkook asked, a scowl decorating his face.

Jimin stared into his eyes blankly, 'I was tired you asshole.' he wanted to say but instead he said, "I-I'm sorry, I was very's b-been so long since i-i last slept on a c-comfortable bed like this, s-so...I'm sorry." He stammered, playing with his fingers.

Jungkook looked at him from his face to his fingers and rolled his eyes, he sat up and pulled his chin to face him, "Whatever. The next time you disobey me, Park Jimin, you will regret it a lot. I mean it." He whispered looking at his lips and licking his own.

Looking at the closeness, Jimin almost thought that he would kiss him. But thank God, he didn't. Jimin didn't really want to start his day with a kiss from this idiot.

"Go, take a bath, and meet me downstairs for breakfast." Jungkook ordered, as he climbed off of the bed, fishing out his phone he walked towards the door.

"But, I don't have my clothes.." Jimin uttered with an annoyed pout as he got out of the bed, Jungkook turned around and looked at him up and down. He did look very messy in that night's outfit, Jungkook blinked and pondered about it.

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