Chapter 14

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Author's pov:

Life was going amazing.

That was an overstatement, Jimin had seen better days. Way more better days. But comparatively, ever since he came here, these couple of days have been amazing.

Especially because there was no horny bunny named Jungkook around him. He was too sick to even come out of his room, and Jimin wished him to stay sick for the rest of his life. But that didn't mean Jimin had complete peace. A certain blue hair cunt took Jungkook's place to annoy him and his sleep.

Without missing a single morning, Taehyung paid visits to Jimin, taking Jungkook's place minus the sexual favors Jungkook wanted, as soon as Jimin was up. Jimin still couldn't figure out what beef Taehyung had with him. Why did he keep taunting and beefing with him? But Jimin didn't consider Taehyung as an important piece of his chess game so he didn't pay much attention to him.

He was just a mere knight in a monumental game he was playing, or at least trying to play from the four walls he was kept in, and the very least time he was allowed to go outside. He came in peace with whatever Jungkook gave him in the moment, he realized very soon that beggars couldn't be choosers as Taehyung started a few days ago, here Jimin had no value. He was worthless and he should be happy that he found a place good enough to hide from the Spades and the rest of the world.

“What are you thinking, Jimin?” His train of thoughts halted when Mr. Jeon spoke. Jimin shook his head with a small fake smile.

“Nothing Mr. Jeon, I'm just worried about Jungkook.” He lied shamelessly. He was not even a little bit worried about him.

“He’s just a little sick, he'll be fine.” Mr. Jeon dismissed it.

Jimin nodded, his eyes moving towards the same boring show Mr. Jeon was watching. He rolled his eyes, moving his gaze to look around, his eyes fell on the photo which was kept on the nightstand, Mr. Jeon standing beside, what he assumed, his wife, and Jungkook. The picture wasn't recent, Mr. Jeon looked younger and much healthier, while Jungkook looked younger and somehow timid.

Oh how easily he could just kill that son of a bitch.

These days Jimin had been spending most of his time with Mr. Jeon, for multiple reasons. First, to get on his ultimate good side, so no one would dare to do anything to the elder's favorite. Mr. Jeon was someone who was respected, and going against him or doing anything to displease him, was a death sentence.

He might look harmless right now but what he got to know from his stories and the way people bow down to him was, he must have been a leader; people wouldn't even dare to look at. Second, he liked his fatherly attitude and company more than anyone in this damn shithole.

“What are you doing here?”

Jimin's head snapped at the direction of the cold voice. There stood Kim Namjoon, souring Jimin's mood further by the way he was looking at him.

“What do you think I'm doing?” Jimin asked, and he really meant all the sarcasm in his voice. “I'm sitting.”

Namjoon, on the other hand, didn't appreciate the sarcasm. He crossed his hands, his tongue playing with the muscle of his cheek as he clenched his fist. He stared at Jimin, more like glare and Jimin kept eye contact, while keeping a very sarcastic smile on his face.

“He's keeping me company.” Mr. Jeon interrupted whatever was going on. He was very obvious of the thick tension in the air. He was aware of the hate and distrust everyone, except Jungkook, had for Jimin.

“I can get you a dog.” Namjoon said. His eyes didn't move away, his intense glare was intimidating and didn't break. Jimin's smile fell at Namjoon's comeback, but soon he let out a chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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