Chapter 1

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Author's pov:

The heavy footsteps hit the ground mercilessly as he ran across the streets and down the alley, saving his dear life from the cruel world he was running away from.

"Jimin!" A man dressed in all black, a black mask with a symbol of spade covering half of their faces shouted. They chased Jimin like dogs, trying to catch at least a hem of his shirt but in vain because Park Jimin wasn't just a normal human being, he was a cheetah.

"You need to stop, now!" Another man shouted, but Jimin didn't stop and ignored their words as he kept running down the alleys.

He grabbed a rod from the ground and threw it on one of the men's heads, who winced and fell down holding his head. He smirked at the others and sprinted out.

Another man fished out his gun from his jacket and aimed at Jimin's arm and pulled the trigger, causing Jimin to slip and roll on the ground before standing up with a limp.

But Jimin didn't give up. If he wanted to breathe again, see the daylight and reach his goal then he had to save himself at any cost.

He kept running while holding onto his bleeding arm, it hurt, hurt him a lot but he couldn't care about it. He turned to his right and halted, he quickly pulled out his own gun as he panted, Jimin peeked his head out and shot both the men on their legs resulting in them ending up on the ground with a thud.

But there came more men in black yelling at Jimin, a few helped out the two men on the ground while the others chased Jimin. He picked up an empty bottle of alcohol from the ground and threw it their way, but they somehow dodged it.

Jimin cursed under his breath, his head was throbbing as blood was spouting out of his arm. He had no time to cure it and so he kept running. He escaped many alleys by tripping on fallen rods or something else, by jumping when there were dustbins laying on his way, by pushing the objects behind so that he can block their way even if it's for a while.

The men slowly lost track of Jimin as they stumbled upon the things Jimin threw on their way.

"Fuck." One of the men, who was the tallest among them, muttered as he saw the empty alley ahead of them. There was no sign of Jimin, it was now that he could smell the dark and dirty alley he was standing on.

Jimin slowed down and peeked from his shoulder and saw nothing, he heaved out a sigh of relief and halted as he saw three roads in front of him.

Left, Straight and Right.

Jimin breathed heavily and knitted his eyebrows as he mumbled, "They will stand here and contemplate on which road I might have chosen."

Jimin was smart, he knew that whatever the way they chose he had to go for the opposite one. His ears perked up as he heard footsteps nearing him.

He swiftly hid behind the huge green dustbin which was behind him and held onto his breath and wished for the men to not find him, the men looked to their sides and murmured amongst themselves.

"Yah! Which road do you think we should take?" The leader of the men asked, looking at the person beside him. The younger one bit his lips and pondered on for a moment and then pointed at the right road.

"This one, we should go for it." He answered by meeting eyes with the leader. The leader arched an eyebrow at him as if he was still unsure about choosing that path and as if on cue, another man from behind him spoke.

"Sir, Jimin is smart. He always chooses the opposite of us." He said and earned a big nod from his leader who agreed with him and went for the left road unaware that Jimin was just behind them.

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