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After everyone got their showers and a fresh pair of clothes we were all escorted to the medical unit. Apparently it was mandatory to get a physical of some type. We were all separated and put with different doctors, the name tag that clung to my doctors coat read Mr. Turner and had a worn smiley face sticker stuck next on it. The very first thing he did was take a look at the bullet wound, telling me how lucky I was since it went straight through which meant I didn't have to get surgery to remove the fragments. He then proceeded to stitch me up and hand me antibiotics that would lower the risk of an infection.

"Take those twice a day, once in the morning and again before you go to bed." I just nodded, only being able to focus on the huge syringe that sat in the table beside us. I hoped that wasn't for me and was sitting there for decoration but when he picked it up my dreams were crushed. I must have made a face because he assured me it wasn't going to hurt if I just relaxed.

"What's inside it?" I ask, trying to stall as long as possible before that needle is inserted in my arm. He softly smiles catching onto my tactics, unknown to me I reminded him of his daughter at her first doctors appointment.

"Just a mixture of vitamins that you were unable to come by in the maze." I racked by brain for something else to ask, but squeezed my eyes shut the second I saw him lowering the shot to my arm. My whole body tensed up awaiting for a big pain to flow through my body but there was only a little prick on my arm before I felt a bandaid being placed on that same exact spot. Opening my eyes I quickly realize it was over, if I had relaxed I probably wouldn't have even felt anything.

"Due to your lack of nutrients your period stopped but with this shot I'd expect it to return in the next months or so." That was something I definitely wasn't looking forward too. He checks a couple more things like my reflexes and eye sight before clearing me and bidding me farewell. I noticed Thomas getting his blood drawn and found it odd I didn't have to do that, I brushed it off as a per-caution his doctor decided to take.

"Didn't you get enough cardio in the maze?" I joke as I walk up to Minho who had been on a treadmill since we got here.

"At least I'm not afraid of a tiny shot." He retorts, I scoff in surprise.

"You saw that?" He smugly nods, and in the moment I wanted nothing more than to see him face plant on that thing. I chatted with Minho for a couple more minutes until I grew tired of his cockiness and set off to where I saw Thomas sitting last, but to my surprise there was only an empty chair in his place. I glance around for any sign of him but theres only the doctors that had took his blood.

"Hi, do you have any idea where the kid you took blood from went?" The doctor bobs his head up and down, explaining he left with one of Jansons men. What did they want with Thomas? Minho was the last one to get cleared since he wasted all his time on the treadmill, we were then shown to a room that look like a cafeteria. There was other kids, boys and girls all sitting and talking at the tables whilst they ate. Minho lead the way to the only open seats where Cora, Minho, Newt, and I all sat down. They guy across from us described his experience and how he got here, the main point I got was that all these people came from other mazes.

More time had passed and I was beginning to get worried about Thomas, I didn't have a watch but I knew at least 20 minutes had went by and he still was gone. Without knowing it my leg started bouncing up and down both Newt and Cora noticing this action.

"Love, calm down." Newt instructs, laying his hand on my leg to stop its movement. Each time the doors opened and closed I turned around, it was around the 7th time of the doors opening when it was finally Thomas who entering. I had almost forgotten about Lizzy until she pops up from a near table and rushes towards him, greeting him with a hug that made my face bawl up in disgust.

Love Me Till The Limit - Newt x Reader x ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now