2. Should I Join A Band Again?

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(Sō POV)

Well, here we are, Kyoga Intellectual Academy, a japanese high school that is apparently more of an american one, you know, lockers, no uniforms, hell, we don't even need to remove our shoes like other schools here, but it doesn't matter, good thing I enrolled in a school like this

Me: "Whoa, for some reason, it feels like Las Vegas."

Kēi: "Huh?! Wait a second, did you just say Las Vegas?!?!"

Me: "Yeah..."

Kēi: "You've been there?"

By the look on his face, he's the excited type

Me: "Yeah!"

Kēi: "We're you there during the dance battle between LMNTRIX and The Mob?"

Me: "What? No, and how could you say that, it's just a movie."

I just can't believe he made a reference about Step Up: All In, but I gotta admit, it's hilarious, and besides, he's just kidding

Kēi: "Haha! Gotcha, I knew you'd get screwed!"

Me: "Damn it, you got me!"

Well, That one thing I learned about this short, brown-haired, bassist, he's a joker, and while we kept chatting, we accidentally bumped into the school bulletin board, and apparently, a couple of students laughed, but it hurts, really, it's hard, and when we got up, all we saw was all these board papers about the school clubs, and next thing I knew, Kēi's name was already in the student music club

Me: "The hell dude, we just got here, and your signing up for a stupid orchestra club?!"

Kēi: "Dude, look!"

Kēi pointed out to a strange note in the form, it says "WANTED: CLEAN VOCALIST AND NEW BASSIST!!" That was strange, but this definitely meant that the music club is probably a rock band, it reminds me of my time during grade 9-10


I was in a stage, with 3 other guys, there was a drummer, a bassist, a rhythm guitarist, and I'm the lead guitarist, and the vocalist, that time we just finished performing, it was our last performance together, but I don't remember the song, so I'll just skip to the part when I shout to the audience


When the audience left, we were talking about what to do

Drummer: "So this is goodbye then..."

Bassist: "Yeah, but who knows, maybe we might see each other again..."

Me: "Guys..."

Rhythm guitarist: "Hey, relax, even if we're not gonna be a band again, at least we inspired some kids to be what they want..."

Me: "So this is goodbye..."

All: "Yep..."

The drummer and the bassist walked away, the rhythm guitarist walked as well, but before he's gone, he said one thing that ran across my head ever since

Rhythm guitarist: "Until next time, Aōi!"

Hearing that name makes me wanna punch someone in the face, but that time, all I did was kneel down the floor, crying, I felt like I don't wanna join another band, I'm fine with just the four if us, but right now, I think I have to reconsider that

-Flashback end-

Kēi: "Sō, you okay?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm fine."

I finally wrote my name on the list, hoping that I would be someone better


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