4. Tragic Memories

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(Sō POV)

Well, it's happening, the party is starting, and it's gonna be way more insane in the evening, but first, I gotta go to the cafeteria, I'm so hungry

-a few minutes later in the cafeteria-

I'm finally here, but good thing there's no line, technically, no one is here, everyone is outside, so I got a tray, and went to the counter, and when I got there, man, it made my day, I just had a waffle sandwich, and just one serving is already enough, and the guys in the counter are really nice people, especially that korean girl, she appears to be 21, has short black hair, wears a waitress uniform, and when I decided to get a glass of milk, she talked to me

Girl: "So, your one of the new seniors, huh."

Me: "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm one of them."

Girl: "Oh, so how's it like here?"

Me: "Crazy, I've made friends with a goth and a prankster, besides, they did lots of Red Vs Blue references!"

Girl: "Haha, my cousin is always like that!"

Me: "Wait did you just say-"

Then Taiki suddenly entered the cafeteria

Taiki: "COUSIN!"


Taiki: "Stuggy's down for the fifth time!"

Girl: "Oh man, that's nasty!"

They did a high five

Me: "Wait, your cousins?!"

Taiki: "Yeah, and Sō, I would like to introduce you to my beloved cousin, Min-Yi Choi, Min-Yi, meet my new friend, Sō Takeda!"

Min-Yi: "Wow, I didn't know you two are friends."

Me: "it's just because-"

Taiki: "He's our new recruit for the band!"

Me: "Can you SHUT UP?!"

Taiki: "Dumbass."

Me: "Fucking loser."

I decided to go get a seat, a seat near the counter, and surprisingly, Kēi was beside me

Kēi: "Taiki's a total asshole."

Me: "I know right?"

???: "The least you can do is to hit him with a giant amplifier."

Some guy just interrupted our conversation, and he's actually sitting in front of us, he seems to wear a green t-shirt with the kanji for party, 宴, he hears a pair of red slippers, and he has dragon tattoos on his arms, and his hair is crimson, is in shoulder length, and covers his eyes

Me: "Oh hey, didn't notice you there."

???: "You seem familiar."

Me: "Really? How?"

The guy sets aside his bangs, showing that he has dark green eyes, and green glasses, and I know exactly who he is

???: "Coz there's only one guy I know who wears black shorts reaching above the knee!"



We did a brofist

Kēi: "Wait, you know him?"

Shun: "Since childhood"

Then, Min-Yi and Taiki showed up

Taiki: "Sxun? What are you doing here?"

Shun: "Same thing as him."

He points at me

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