23. A Risky Gamble, Mah's True Identity, And Ship About To Sail

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(Kaiji POV)

I need to get out of here... wait, a cruise heading to Tokyo, great, now I have to catch up with it

???: "Hey kid, need a ride? There's still a spot in the cruise."

Me: "Thank you..."

Good, I earned myself a spot...

(Sō POV)

Where the fuck is Kaiji?! We've been looking for him, but he vanished!!

Drift: "Hey, I heard a guy named Kaiji Itou is in an illegal cruise heading to Tokyo."

I sighed, just as I thought...

Me: "Tell the others to look for Mah, he's the last person who was with Kaiji..."

(Mah POV)

That son of a bitch changed...

-Flashback, Middle School-

I was playing basketball, until a group of bullies tried to confront me. I gave them a simple scare, and they ran away. I was the most feared guy at school. One day I wanna be a Student Council member so that I can change my reputation, but the fucking president turned it down. So I'm officially stuck with the title of most feared student, until a guy confronted me. He was quite the wimp, but in the inside he was really brave. It was the first time Kaiji talked to me...

Me: "The fuck do ya want, wimp...?"

Kaiji: "Try to be nice before joining the Student Council."

He smiled, and he walked away. It was the first time someone tried talking to me, and it ended with a smile. I thought he was stupid enough to be friends with me. I took his advise to heart, but it just didn't work. One day it was raining and my parents didn't pick me up, I became the only one left and I was worried unti he talked to me again

Kaiji: "You can always walk with me if you like."

Me: "No thanks..."

Kaiji: "Oh come on. Would you rather be stuck here all night, or go home?"

He gave that kind smile again, what did I do to deserve such a smile? Oh well, I went with him and walked home until I saw a car, my parents' car. I ran up to them, they saw me, and they smiled

Dad: "At least your safe..."

T-that was the last words my fucking dad said, the exploded, and I was knocked down. I woke up in a hospital, and Kaiji was beside me, he still gave me that smile. When I got out, his parents adopted me, so we're brothers now. Everyday, we only with each other. We have no friends, and I don't think that changed the entire time we were in middle school. One day Kaiji got beaten up by the bullies, and I beat them up in return. We got reported, but good thing we didn't got detention. The last day I was with him was on graduation, I left because I thought I would never be a good son to the Itou family and a good brother to Kaiji. My name was forgotten, and I became who I was now

-Flashback End-

I didn't realize I was crying. I never thought of how he actually felt the whole time, now Kaiji sees me as a freak. I don't think his brother can come back for him. I saw a cruise, and Kaiji was in it. Damn it, I wasted my chance. Suddenly, the cruise blew up.

Me: "KAIJI!!!"

No, this isn't happening, this isn't fucking happening. What should I do?!?!?! Wait, there's someone in a boat

Me: "Sir, take me with you."

???: "Kid, this is dangerous, get lost."


I went with the guy, and we saved Kaiji. I brought him to the hospital, and I left. I don't know if he still wants me to come back...

(Kaiji POV)

-At The Kyoga Hospital-

I woke up in a hospital bed, and everyone was around me

Nex: "Oh thank god your alright..."

Me: "What happened?"

Doctor: "A young man named Manabu Taniguchi brought you here."

Me: "M-Manabu Taniguchi??"

I suddenly got out of the room, and looked for Manabu. Then I saw Mah sitting on a bench, looking down

Me: "What are you doing here?"

Mah: "My brother was on a cruise heading to Tokyo, it blew up and he almost drowned. I saved him, and brought him here..."

Me: "Really?"

He nodded

Me: "Where is he?"

Mah: "Standing in front of me..."

He stand up and walked away

Me: "M-Manabu? Is that you?"

He turned around, he didn't have those eye shadows this time. It really is him

Me: "D-don't go, please..."

I was about to cry, but he smiled

Mah: "Meet me at school."

He walked away, and I was left crying...

(Nex POV)

-At School, After Kaiji's Release From The Hospital-

I was sitting alone, and Mah/Manabu and Kaiji were sitting in front of me. I never thought that they were brothers, it was the first time Kaiji smiled in his time here. Then Minami have me a jump scare

Me: "W-what the hell?!"

He just smiled mischievous, and sat beside me. Shit, I'm blushing right now, is this even real??

Minami: "You know, after Resti and Min-Yi started their relationship, turns out were mutual as well."

H-he knew the whole time... and he has the same feelings over me as well?! Oh damn it!!

Me: "Shut up, I know that move!"

Minami: "Good."

Then he suddenly kissed me on the FUCKING lips!!! Is this even real?!?!?! Everyone is looking at us right now!!!! >_<

Me: "You fucking weirdo."

I smiled, and kissed him back. Suddenly Taiki blew a confetti gun and ruined the moment! Why?!?!?!

Minami: "What the hell..."


Then things gone wild, *sigh* I don't know what's wrong with this band, oh well


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