Chapter 1

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(TRIGGER WARNING: child abuse)

"DAD, GET OFF OF HER," a rosey pink haired boy, no older than 7, shouted at his father. Trying to pry him of of his mother. His father had his mother locked into his heavy hands, wrapping them around her neck. He did what anyone would do in a time of desperation, jumping on his back try to strangle him.

Stunning the man, he let go of the women, focusing on the child. Throwing him off, against a wall, causing the boy to cry out in pain. The mother screamed at the man saying "Don't touch him!"

The adults ran to the outside, leaving him and his younger brother in the house. A raven haired boy, no older than 5, came out from his room. Holding a finger in his mouth, the other hand wrapped around a teddy bear, his eyes red from crying, fear and sorrow filled his face. "Natsu?" He whimpered.

Natsu making his way to the door frame halted at the sound of the child, looked over to the boy, making way to him. Grabbing him he went back into his room sitting on his little brothers bed, pulling the blankets close, hugging his now weeping brother. Shushing him rocking him back and forth, "everything is going to be alright Gray, as long as I am here you don't have to worry about anything."

The sobbing boy looked up to him, "are you sure? Where's mommy and daddy?"

Nastu shrugged his shoulders, "I have no idea where they are. Just know I will protect you from any harm coming your way. Ok?"

Gray nodded his head, cuddling closer to his older brother. Natsu held him in a loving and very protective way, looking around hawk like, waiting for something or someone to come into the room. Moments passed, Gray was now asleep. Seeing his opportunity, to find his parents, Natsu slipped out of the bed, making his way to the front door. Peering outside, he saw police and ambulance cars across the street. He looked around the broken down neighbor hood; dead grass on almost every house, windows broken, some hand cracks on the outside of the home. A man, with an unfamiliar face and a black suit on, approached the boy.

"Hey son, is this your house?" He asked. Not sure how to respond, he nodded his head. Seeing the badge on his uniform, the man was none other than a police officer. Natsu's parents had drilled it into his head to not speak to police, they are bad people.

The man picked up the boy, holding him in his arms. In an unknown scenes he felt safe almost. He rested his head on the mans shoulder, "is there anyone else in the house?"

Natsu raised his head to look into the mans eyes. "My little brother is sleeping."

Not a moment later, the man he called his father was walking towards them. Natsu tensed up slightly, not noticeable to the police official.

"Sir," the officer began, "what happened here?"

His father sighed, "a argument that should have not taken place tonight." The official, holding onto the boy, walked up to the man.

"Are you the father of these boys?"

"Yes, I am the biological father. I also take residence in this home."

Glaring at him, the official huffed. setting the boy down he whispered, "ok me and your daddy are going to talk do a few minutes, why don't you go inside and he will be in there in a moment." Natsu looked at the uniformed man then to his father, who gave him the 'you better get the fuck inside' look. Not a moment later he was inside, sitting on the couch, with a juice box in hand, sipping it occasionally. His father was a master liar and manipulator, he knew how to get out of the toughest situations ever known to man. Most likely, if he killed someone, they would never know it was him.

What seemed like forever, Nastu's father came into the house, shutting the door, letting out a big sigh. After the sigh, Natsu could have sworn he seen his father grin in victory. He looked around the room, noticing Natsu he walked over to him. "Where did you get that juice box?"

Natsu let his head hang, knowing as soon as he answered this he is going to get in trouble. "Natsu," the masculine voice called. Natsu looked up at the, now, irritated man. Natsu bit his lip, "from the refrigerator." He let out a sigh. He knew what was coming.

"Did anyone give you permission to get that juice box?" The voice coming closer to him.

"No." Without a second to spare, Natsu was now on the ground, clinging to his now stinging face. God, he thought, I want to kill him. A few tears fell out of his eyes, trying to keep them hidden, burying his face into the carpet flooring. His father stood over him, parting his belt from his pants, "your mother isn't going to be here tonight, I want respect or this is what will happen."

Natsu clung his hangs over his head, going into fetal position. The heavy leather made contact with his skin, over and over again. He tried to keep quite, not wanting his brother to wake up in the dead of night. The belt snapped his skin, approximately over 15 times. When it stopped, he looked over to see his father putting his belt back on. Walking into the kitchen, grabbing a glass containing beer. Walking over to the couch sitting on it.

"Get the fuck out of my face," he spat. Clinging to his throbbing torso, he rose and raced towards the bathroom. Pulling off his shirt, analyzing the marks of what will soon be black and green marks across his stomach and back. He put his shirt back on, opening the door quietly, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to himself. He darted to his room, closing it. Getting into his bed, the pain made him cringe, he laid his head on his pillow. Letting tear after tear shed, quietly crying. "Why does my daddy hate me?"

Hey guys, so I wanted to try something different. I wanted to write about thing that actually happens, I should know. This book is going to go into detail about this type of stuff. I will let everyone know when that happens. Unfortunately, things like this happen everyday in someone's life. If you absolutely cannot read this type of stuff, then I am truly sorry, but you are missing out. Share, comment, vote I would like to know what you as readers think.

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