Chapter 2

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After the incident that happened, the father left without a trace,gathering most of his belongings, the mother spent days weeping over the list of the boys' father. Natsu knew better, if he didn't take all of his possessions, he would be back, maybe more ruthless than the last time. He had to be strong for his brother and his mother, he had too.

Weeks past, for a second, Natsu thought they had rid the man out of their lives. He thought too soon, the man was back within a few months of absence. Oh no, he though watching the man walk back into the house, why is he back here?

"Boys," the mother cried. "I need you to go in your room for a minute. Ok?" Her voice trembling, was she afraid of him? Of course she would be, I mean damn who wouldn't.

"No," the masculine man's voice echoed. "Let them stay, I haven't seen my boys in a while now. Come give your old man a hug." Gray ran to him without hesitation, embracing the hug of his father. Natsu stood still, unsure of what to do,hug the man that beats him, or go to his room as his mother instructed. "Natsu." Flinching at him name, he carefully walks towards the suspicious man, giving him a half hearted hug.

"Daddy I missed you," Gray screeched. "I made this for you in Ms Petra's class." Pulling the piece of paper off the table. It was a drawing of the family, hoping his dad would be pleased, handing over the paper.

"Tch," he huffed. "Well at least you, out of my children, can do something right." Ruffling the raven's hair, feeling accomplished he ran off to his room to put away the picture.

Natsu glared at the man for his remark. Choosing to ignore the statement, he turned to his mother, "may I have some juice?" Knowing his father would probably butt in and say 'no', but it was worth a try.

"U-uhh, yeah sure, go ahead. Take your juice into your room, let me and your father have a chance to catch up on a few thing, ok?" She rested her hand on my shoulder. He shrugs his shoulders, at least he go his juice. Going into the kitchen trying to find it, looking through the refrigerator then the cabinets, finally he found it in the way back of a cabinet. He had taken longer than he realized, his parents had forgotten that he was even in the kitchen, he stopped at the entrance into the kitchen, listening to his parents conversation.

"So, Igneel, who did you sleep with this time?" She questions, folding her arms over her chest. Every time Igneel leaves for an extended amount of time, he usually; sleeps with one of his side girls, gambles, or affiliates himself with gang activities. He is part of the strongest and ruthless gang known to man, Sabertooth. At the time, Igneel kept that part of his life a secret until a couple years after they were married.

"That doesn't matter, but I heard something concerning my best friend, Zeke." She gritted her teeth, this was going to come out sooner or later. Noticing her reaction to his name, Igneel knew the answer to his question before having to ask it. "You had an affair with Zeke?"

Zeke, full name Zeke Fullbuster. Zeke had been Igneels best friend since they were in kindergarten. They did everything together, when they joined Sabertooth, it wasn't long before Igneel became the leader and Zeke the second most powerful. They bring pain, destruction, and misery wherever they go. Only making the 'Sabertooth' name known and feared by everyone.

"Yes, yes I did." She spat, she didn't care if he hit or abused her, she wanted him to know.

"So I'm guessing Natsu is his kid? I mean he couldn't possibly be mine, that kid is a disgrace to the Dragneel name." For some reason, he assumed Natsu wasn't his, just because he doesn't have that drive that Gray has. He stood from the couch, gripping the end of his nose, then something hits him. "It makes perfect sense, you... you dirty little whore." He paused again, enraged. "Natsu!"

Hearing everything, Natsu came from around the corner, gripping his juice box. "Y-yes?"

"Come here."

Making his way towards the scary and enraged man. He knew that was his dad, they looked to much alike for him to not be his dad. Igneel grabbed the woman by her hair, making her cry out. Natsu flinched forward, coming to realization, he stood still. "You see this, boy, this sorry excuse for a mother. Not only are you a piece of shit son, hell your not even mine, but you came from this crap."

Gray came from the corner, Igneel released his grip on the woman's hair, holding his blanket up to his chest. "Are you and mommy fighting again?" He asks, so innocent it's so adorable.

Igneel grins, "no, we were just catching up, right mommy?" His death glare reached her soul, she nodded. He claps his hands, making both Natsu and his mother flinch. "Why don't we all go to bed. Gray, mommy is going to tuck you in." On cue she grabs his hand and walks to his room.

Natsu was about to leave when he heard his name. "Natsu."

Igneel took a seat on the couch, having a beer in his hand, he waited to see Natsu's face. Natsu crept around the corner, slightly shaking. "Go grab me another beer." Relief filled the young boy's body. He rushed to get the drink, not wanting to set off any unwanted triggers. Giving the man his drink, dashing out of the room as quickly as possible, he didn't want to be anywhere in the area when his father drinks. It always starts with a beer then transfers over to liquor, within a matter of drinks he is drunk.

Natsu walks into Grays room, going over to his now sleeping brother, he gives him a light kiss on the forehead. "Sleep tight little brother, I love you."


Yeah, I put in Petra from AoT. Hehe for some reason when I thought of clever kindergarten teachers names hers was the first one that popped into my head.

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