Chapter 18

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Lucy and Natsu decided to skip class. They had finished withdrawing from all of their classes the registered for in the beginning of the semester. Their plan to escape was put into affect. Lucy was in charge of extracting all of the money out of the bank and Natsu was in charge of getting all of their belongings packed and into the car. Natsu would then pick up Lucy from their designated met point; from there they would leave town for good.

Lucy ran the plan through her head over and over until her head hurt from exhaustion. She knew she wanted to runaway with him. It eased her mind to know she was leaving, she was leaving with him. She stopped at the entrance, cautiously looking around. Natsu's words ran through her head. "Be quick and don't get nervous. I am willing to bet they will alert your father if they sense something is off about you."

Lucy straightened herself out before walking into the building with two large briefcases. She went directly to the woman at the front desk, she had been working there for years. Bisca Connell had long straight green hair, her bangs reached down to her eyebrows, she had a pale complexion and wore red lipstick. Lucy and Bisca were acquaintances, Lucy occasionally watched Bisca's daughter, Asuka.

Lucy walked to the front desk greeting Bisca with a very friendly grin. Bisca waved hello and returned Lucy's friendly smile. "Good morning Lucy, how are you?"

"I am doing well, thank you. How is Asuka? I haven't seen her since the last time I babysat her." Lucy asked.

Bisca reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her phone. She quickly looked around before proceeding to show Lucy pictures of her one and only daughter. "I took this one last night. Isn't she the cutest little thing."

Lucy looked at the photo of Asuka with her father, Alzack. In the photo, he was teaching his daughter how to shoot a gun; Asuka had a wide grin in the picture. The couple loved shooting. They were the top sharpshooters in the Nation, winning lots of money in competitions.

"Alzack got her an airsoft gun for her birthday a few months ago. She hits all of the targets we put up for her. She takes after me." Bisca gloated a little about her daughters talent. "Did you come to see Michelle? Hold on one moment, I think she is in her office."

"Thank you very much." Lucy responded. Bisca left the front desk. At this time, Lucy's nerves were getting the best of her. What if her father caught on to her plan before she pulled it off? What if he caught Natsu in their house packing up all of their belongings? What would happen if he came into the bank right now and spotted her? She began nervously tapping both briefcases.

Bisca called her over to Michelle's office. Once in there, Lucy asked to withdraw all the money in her bank account: savings and checking. At first Michelle wondered why Lucy needed so much money in a short amount of time. Lucy explained to her how she was moving out of the country to study abroad. She continued to explain how needed the money to transfer it in a private bank over seas. Michelle willingly gave Lucy the papers to sign and congratulated her on her big educational move. Michelle instructed Lucy to follow her to the vault. There she was able to retrieve all of the money she had: 10 million dollars. All the money was put into those two large briefcases. Lucy thanked Michelle and left.

Once out of the bank she sighed in relief, pressing her hand over her rapidly beating heart. The worst part was over; for her at least. Natsu told her to meet him at the colleges library when she finished. She hurried to the school. She didn't know if he would be waiting there for her or not. She turned the corner of the massive building and saw he wasn't there yet. She breathed out, as long as she didn't keep him waiting. She set the briefcases down and sat down outside the library.

"Yo Lucy!"

Her eyes widened, she recognized that voice anywhere. She turned to see it was none other than the infamous Sting himself. He walked to the table, smug and proud with a big smile plastered on his face. She wondered how he knew where she went to school, but then she remembered, Sting talked to her father.

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