Chapter 5

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Natsu walked back to his house, occasionally touching the bandage over his eye, why was she so special? He had never thought of a girl, until she came along.

Her name was Lisanna, Ms. Mira's younger sister, she was the only one that had passed Natsu's walls. They were in a romantic relationship towards the end of his sophomore year. They had known each other, almost all of their lives. He tried his best to keep her away from his family troubles, which almost worked, until Gray died. Emotionally, he couldn't take it, however Lisanna managed to help him through the hurt. She didn't help much, but she helped. Natsu just couldn't let her all the way into his heart, he didn't want to risk more pain, more heart ache, more suffering.

Lisanna was his first kiss. It happened the summer of their junior year. Natsu took her hiking, it took them 4 hours to get to the top. The sun was setting, Lisanna looked out at the beautiful scenery: green tops of the trees, hearing the birds sing, the golden sky as the sun set, the pinkish colored clouds that hovered over them. A big smile plastered on her face, Natsu looked over at the joyous girl, smirking to himself. He reached over, grasping her hand in his own. The sudden movement made the girl startled, he had never held her hand before. She faces him, they look into each others eyes. He takes a step forward, looking into her eyes, not wanting to break the connection between them. He places his free hand on her cheek, he leans in. Their lips barely brushing one an others, he closes the gap between them. A soft and passionate kiss, only lasting a few seconds.

He breaks the kiss, looking back into her eyes, admiring her beautiful white hair and her ocean blue eyes. At that moment Natsu knew he could trust her. Loving her would be difficult, but maybe he could try. They sat on the top of the mountain, hands intertwined, Lisanna rested her head on Natsu's chest, he held onto her as tight and protective as he could. For the moment, Natsu felt like he could be happy.

The happiness didn't last long.

The next day, when Lisanna was running late for school, she never made it. Natsu waited for her, days went by, growing tired from waiting he knew it was too good to be true, everyone always ended up leaving him. He officially cut his feelings off, from everyone sand everything. Natsu gave her a part of his heart, she had broken it. The authorities found her body two weeks later, she had been tortured, been violated, and murdered.

Not attending her funeral, he went home, sitting in the dark. Everyone he cares about, leaves him in one way or another. He couldn't deal with the loss of everyone: his mother, his brother, now the girl he cared for. He couldn't handle it, that's when the pocket knife became his exit.

Shivering from the tragic memories that flooded back into his brain, he knew he couldn't bring himself to care for Lucy, no matter how much he would want to. He already wanted to end his life, there is no need in causing someone else to suffer from his death, not the way he has been suffering for years.

He reached his house, heading up the stoned pathway, leading to the front door. Touching the handle, hesitant to go inside, fearing that his father had not gone to his normal routine - on occasion he would stay at home. Peering into the house, hesitant to step inside. Convincing himself to go in, he takes a step. Looking around the house, no sign of the older man. Sighing in relief, the pink haired teen heads towards his room.

Throwing himself on the bed, he stared at the ceiling for hours, thinking about nothing. He wanted to end his suffering, so he tried again. He walked to the bathroom, opening the cabinet. He took out a bottle, taking multiple sedatives. His vision became blurry, trying to balance himself, he collapsed on the floor. Hearing voices as he was slipping from consciousness.

"Look at this, pathetic." A masculine voice chuckled. "He can't even handle his life, he's weak."

"Sir, what would you like us to do to his body?" A younger man snickers.

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