Chapter 10

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Natsu watched Lucy as she dressed herself, marveling at his definition of perfection. How her blonde hair rested on her back, how the sun hit her beautiful chocolate eyes, how her figure was robust and perky. She was about to take off her pajamas, when it hit her Natsu was still in the room; staring at her, with a blush on his face. Her face flushed at the sudden attention, "hey Natsu, could you possibly wait down stairs or cover your eyes." She looks at him.

Natsu looks away, with a smile creeping it's way across his face; but nods his head, heading towards the door. He was already clothed with a black long sleeve and black pants, not forgetting his scarf of course. He didn't hear the door open again, which meant it would only be him and Levy. He was nervous, he knew he was on her bad side; or at least that's what he thought. He knew he would have to apologize, for the assumption that he slept with her, even though he himself was still a virgin. He could avoid her by just staying in the kitchen, waiting for Lucy to finish dressing. He thought over that and realized it would take to long for her to get dressed. He walked down the hall - about, halfway before he met the stairs - he sees Happy laying on the ground, rubbing himself on the floor. Natsu walks over to the blue feline, gently petting him, "hey little guy." He says as he scratches behind Happy's ear. Natsu picks him up, embracing him in his muscular arms, taking a step at a time, careful he doesn't trip while going down the stairs. He goes to the kitchen, thinking Levy would be in the living room. He didn't want to feed Happy bland cat food,it has no taste. He walks in and is greeted by Levy, helping herself to the cookies Lucy made yesterday.

She gazes at him, stunned that Happy let anyone besides Lucy touch him. She notices Natsu was trying to avoid eye contact with her, which almost made her laugh a bit. She watches as he goes in the refrigerator and pulls out some left over chicken, from who knows when and pull it apart just enough for Happy not to chock on. He puts it in his bowl and hands it over. Natsu puts both of his hands on the black and white granite counter tops, contradicting if he should just say something or just leave. "I'm sorry." He slightly glances over his shoulder, just enough to know Levy's presence was still there.

Levy finished her cookie, surprised that the antisocial pink haired male actually spoke to her. She didn't know how to respond back, she was more taken back then she thought she would be. She predicted that he would try to make small talk, but not apologize. She patted her lips to return the conversation, but was cut off.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made those remarks that we slept together. Even though I was only trying to get a rise out of your boyfriend. Let's face it, it's funny when he gets mad." He slightly chuckles, turning around to face Levy, who was sitting at the breakfast bar. He was being completely honest with her, she was Lucy's best friend, he might as well try and be civil with her.

"That is the most I have ever hear you say," she started smiling a bit. She places her hand out, hoping to declare peace between the two of them. "Ok, let's be friends. Only if you promise not to use me when you want to get a rise out of Gajeel." Natsu slightly smirked, he places his hand out and grips the tiny girls hand. He thought if he used more force he would break her hand. " oh come on that's a sissy girls hand shake, where is your masculinity?" She mocked his hand shake. Natsu half smiled and tightened his grip more.

They smiled a bit, Natsu got up to make Lucy breakfast; as usual. He opened the refrigerator door and reached for the egg carton as well as the bacon package. He went into the pantry to find the potatoes. He was mediocre at cooking, learning a little from his mom, before she was killed. After that, he only cooked for himself and Gray. After Gray wasn't around anymore, he lost all motive for everything. He would barely eat, and cook. But Lucy gave him a reason to continue. After about 15 after the potatoes went into the oven, he started on the eggs and bacon. "What you making there fire boy?" Levy asked, smelling the mouth watering scent of fried bacon and eggs. She could smell the cut up pieces of potato baking in the oven, oh how the smell made her stomach crave for the taste of whatever he was making; shortly after making a noise. She became embarrassed rather quickly.

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