Chapter 5

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"So I have so many questions. First starting with why now?", asked Ayanna.

"Well your dad is a hard person to get a hold of and find", said Mrs. Mills.

"...did he really not know if Alyssa and Zara was with you?", asked Ayanna.

"...I don't know", Mrs. Mills said.

Of course she knew that Brian knew that Zara and Alyssa were with her but she didn't wanna tell Ayanna that because she wanted to maintain her safety as well as her family's safety. Brian was crazy. He's a trained killer.

"So do you go to private school?", asked Alyssa.

"Yea", Ayanna replied.

"Me too", said Alyssa.

"What are your plans after graduation?", asked Mrs. Mills.

"Honestly... I always wanted to be a Kendrick", said Ayanna.

Alyssa looked down.

Mrs. Mills smiled.

"He would've loved that", said Mrs. Mills. " girls wanna go shopping?"

"Duh", said Alyssa. "That's my favorite thing"

"I mean like I didn't really bring any money", said Ayanna.

"Honey, you don't need any. I got you", said Mrs. Mills.

Ayanna got a Instagram notification and it was Corey DMing her.

@corey.99: bae when am I
going to finally get your number😒

@dailydoseofayanna: 8599803244

@corey.99: you free?

@dailydoseofayanna: I'm out with
my sisters actually. I guess I
spoke them up so much that
the showed up. But let
me text you when I get to
their house.

@corey.99: how about
FaceTime🥺 I gotta see
that beautiful face.

Ayanna giggled.

@dailydoseofayanna: alright🥰

Ayanna put her phone face down and looked at the road.

"Boyfriend?", Mrs. Mills asked with a smile.

"What? No", Ayanna said nervously.

"I'm not your dad. I don't care, you're 17", said Mrs. Mills. "As long as this boyfriend of yours is good to you"

"...So far so good", said Ayanna.

"Just please be careful with these guys and know your worth. You're not a toy or a little puppy. Don't tell anybody run you dry or bring you down physically and mentally", said Mrs. Mills.

"Just don't say anything about this to my dad. Please", said Ayanna.

"Secret safe with me", said Mrs. Mills. "...but speaking of your have things been? I know it's probably hard with your mom"

"Yea...but things have been good. My dad's girlfriend has been a big mother figure for me.", said Ayanna.

"Oh so he has a girlfriend?", asked Mrs Mills.

"Yea. They've been friends for a long time and they finally got together. I thought that them being together would cut me some slack but nah. He's still on my behind 24/7. Can never get a break", said Ayanna.

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