03 At Odds

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Angel walked out of the house the following morning ready as she'd ever be for her second day of high school. She heard a whoosh over head and gazed up just in time to see her sister flying into the clouds. Her wings were more bird-like, a rich brown that really highlighted her straight blonde hair and fair skin. They weren't as big as Angel's but they were just as strong.

Rolling her eyes, Angel continued to the corner, where she found Will and Layla. "Surprised you don't have a concussion. Or that you're even going back to school."

"What can ya do?" Will offered a half hearted smile to her as Layla frowned.

Angel shrugged as the bus rolled up. She climbed on first and found the first open seat she could, sitting beside Magenta. The girls didn't say anything to each other on the way to school and didn't say anything when they got off.

From her jacket pocket, Angel pulled out her schedule to begin looking for her classes. A hand plucked it out of her grasp when she walked through the door. Looking up, she saw Lash's stretched arm returning to him, her paper schedule in hand. He looked at it and smirked. "Just as I thought."

She stomped over and took it from him, glaring.

"Feisty little thing like you made it into hero classes." He smirked at her, then let his eyes wander over her body as she shoved past him and walked away. He let her get a few feet down the hall before stretching himself after her. "You gonna hang out with Speed and me this year?"

"No," she scoffed, looking at her paper again.

"You should. I've heard you've got a mean streak."

"Keep on and you'll see why." She stopped suddenly, looking around her for class numbers.

"I'd love to," he told her. He watched her look for her class before finally rolling his eyes. "Hero classes are upstairs."

"Then what are you doing down here?" She started for the stairs, hearing the squawk of his Converse follow. "You're really annoying."

"And you're really hot," he told her. She didn't dignify that with an answer. "Aw, come on. No thank you?"

"No." She started up the stairs, but stopped at the first landing. She turned and looked at him, her hard glare going to his chest, which was right in her face, before she looked up at him. "You're freakishly tall for a sophomore."

"Growth spurt when I got my powers," he said, grinning down at her. "I think I like having you so close to me."

"I don't," she said and shoved him.

He stumbled down a couple of steps before catching himself on the rail. After straightening himself out, he looked up to yell at her, but she was gone. He glared at the spot where she had stood and continued to his first class of the day.


At lunch, Angel avoided the lunch room and just stood at her locker to eat. With another marshmallow fluff sandwich and pudding cup, it didn't take her long to finish up and throw the trash away. She took her gym clothes out of her locker and went to close it, but a blur ran up and held it open.

"What do we have here?" Speed chuckled as he pushed Angel out of the way of her locker, beginning to riffle through the few things she had in it. "They say you can tell a lot about a person by the contents of their locker."

"I agree," Lash said as he approached.

Annoyed, Angel tried pushing Speed out of the way. "Ever heard of invasion of privacy?" He elbowed her and she fell back, catching herself before she could hit the floor. "Idiots."

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