14 Where, Oh Where

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All the happy feelings Angel had at homecoming could be found nowhere on her face. She glared up at her father as he blocked the doorway of their home, arms crossed over his chest as he glared back at her. He shoved a backpack in her hand and shook his head.

"You're not welcome back here," he told her. She didn't know when he returned from Tokyo, but she wished it hadn't been so soon. If he was going to kick her out, she would have at least liked to pack her own bag. "I don't care where you go, but you can't and won't stay here."

She shrugged, looking away from him and finally breaking eye contact. "Whatever. It's not like I ever needed you anyway."

She turned to walk down the steps, beginning to think of where to go, when he coughed. She looked at him, seeing his hand held out. "Your phone?"

She turned, keeping her mouth shut so as to not wake the neighbors. She took her cell phone from her pocket and slammed it into his hand. "Like I said, never needed you."

She stomped down the stairs, the door slamming shut behind her. She started walking down the street, pulling the backpack onto her shoulder. She didn't know where she was going to go, but she at least wanted some sleep before sunrise. She just needed somewhere or someone to go to. Her mind ran blank when she tried to think of someone, but when she thought of Lash she imagined that he started a new punishment as soon as he walked through the door. Everyone else would either be weary of her or turn her down completely.
She sighed, looking up to the stars as she walked. There had to be somewhere she could so, she wondered.


The following Monday, most classes resumed as normal except for P.E. The gym was under repair, but aside from that everything went along smoothly. The cafeteria windows were taped up until they could be fixed, most of the concern being put toward the gym and the busted walls throughout the school, but everyone had been assured over intercom announcements that sooner rather than later everything would be back to normal.

Lash struggled to face his classmates, some of them refusing to talk to him for one reason or another. He could understand why. For some time he had acted as a bully to most of then, now they had another reason to want to run away from him. They didn't know if they could trust him. The only people who treated him decently were his teachers, though some of them seemed to watch over him a little too much, some even going out of their way to ask if he was alright.

The treatment from others was mostly what led Lash to sitting with Will and his friends, aside from the fact that they had all saved the school together. He was nervously picking at a thread on his sleeve, mind too preoccupied to take part in any conversation. It didn't matter, though, as the end of the table was surrounded by hero and hero support students alike, all thanking or congratulating the teens for what they had done at homecoming. Few thanked him, and he nodded and kept his head down for the most part.

His mind was only on Angel, who he hadn't heard from since that night. He hadn't expected much since his parents took his phone for the remainder of the weekend, part of his punishment on their behalf. But when he hadn't seen her at all that morning, he began to get worried. She was always there, always. He had no classes with her and now that he was under the watchful eye of his teachers and peers, he couldn't skip class to see her.

Cambrie came over and sat beside Warren, setting down a lunch tray. She smiled at the group and greeted them. The crowd that had gathered around the table slowly dissipated, leaving the group of teens alone for the time being. "Well, aren't you all popular?"

Will laughed while Zach and Ethan went into how great it felt to be appreciated and noticed. Magenta rolled her eyes and Layla and Warren kept quiet. Cambrie laughed and all seemed well.

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