04 Reunion

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Angel sat doing homework one night when a knock sounded at her door. She looked up as Cabrie opened it with a wide smile. Angel stared at her blankly, then looked back down at her homework. The last week she had spent at Sky High had been just as she expected: boring classes, some more exciting ones, and a lot of homework. She did what she usually did, kept to herself and tried not to get noticed. It just made life easier that way.

"Get dressed, wear something nice," Cambrie said, walking over to her sister's closet and pulling the door open. She started fingering through the clothes hung in there, looking for something in particular. "We're going to dinner at the Strongholds."

"Not interested," Angel said as she wrote down an answer on her homework sheet.

"Non-negotiable," her sister said, pulling out a dress. She looked it over, frowning at its open back. "Don't you have any normal clothes?"

"Not anymore." Angel gave up on trying to think about homework and pushed it all aside. She rested her head in her hands as she watched her sister put the dress back to find something else. "Why do I have to go?"

"Dad said that it's a family thing. We all have to go," Cambrie said and pulled out a black top with a deep cut down the back. It was the closest thing to normal she could find. She tossed it to her sister and then hurried to find the bottoms to match. "Plus, we're going to meet the Commander and Jetstream, the world's greatest superheroes! Isn't that something to get excited about?"

"No," Angel scoffed and stood up. She threw her tank top off and pulled the new one on. "And you're telling me that dad knows the Commander and Jetstream?"

"They went to high school together," came the quick response.

"Of course they did," Angel mumbled and walked over to her mirror. She fixed her shirt, then turned and looked at the back.

Cambrie pulled out a violet skirt and walked it over to her sister. "Why are all your shirts cut open like that?"

"Because I fixed them," her little sister answered. "Stop asking stupid questions."

"At least wear a bra," Cambrie begged softly, handing over the flare skirt. "Please."

Angel pretended to think about it, then shook her head. "When they make one comfortable enough for wing expansion, then I'll wear one."

Cambrie sighed with defeat and walked to the door. "We're leaving in fifteen minutes." Then she shut the door and went to her own room.

Angel rolled her eyes and put the skirt away, opting for a pair of white, distressed jeans instead. She pulled on her boots and tied her hair back into matching ponytails, each sporting an equal amount of the violet streaks she kept in her hair. She grabbed a purple jacket and turned out the light.

"Girls! We're leaving!" Edward's voice called up the stairs.

Cambrie hurried out of her room in a honey yellow blouse and a blue jean skirt. She looked over at her sister and frowned. "What happened to the outfit we agreed on?"

As they walked down the stairs, Angel scoffed. "You mean the one you agreed on."

Their father waited patiently at the bottom of the stairs. He was a tall man that was described to be a wall of muscle, with blonde hair that was only beginning to gray. His eyes were like steel, cold when in the face of an enemy. He was a man who got the job done quick and easy, looking for no nonsense when he was the Eagle. As Edward Hartley, he was a no nonsense father and quiet business man.

He smiling once he saw the girls. He kissed Cambrie's head. "You look nice, sweetie."

"Thank you, daddy," she said and walked to the door.

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