15 New Roommate

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"Now there are a few rules," Mrs. Williams said as they walked through the front door of her home. The house was beautiful, full of plants, and it smelled sweet. Layla led Angel through to the nearby den where she could take off her boots and jacket. "No boys are allowed over when I'm not here. No parties. No drinking or smoking, not that I think that you do either of those things."

"No worries," Angel said and shrugged. Her wings sprouted out, needing air.

Mrs. Williams gasped softly when she saw them, marveling at them. "How pretty." She then continued on with her list of rules. "I'm going to give you a key to the house just in case. You can't copy it or give it to anyone. You can have whatever you'd like from the fridge or garden. No entering Mr. Williams' office while he's away."

Layla had explained to Angel on the way home that her father was away on an "environmental emergency." He still did hero work, but it was the lowkey kind that news channels didn't cover. If it didn't have anything to do with giant robots or villains trying to enslave humankind, it didn't get much attention.

"Hope you don't mind vegetarian food," Layla said, offering a half smile to Angel.

She shrugged, her wings bobbing gently with the movement. "I think I'll live."

"A lot healthier," Mrs. Williams joked. She laughed at her own wit while the girls stared at her. She stopped and smiled softly at them. "Layla, dear, why don't you take Angel upstairs and show her the room she'll be staying in?"

"Of course." Layla led the way upstairs, past a few doors and hanging planters, before they came to a small room. There was a wall bed on the far corner that needed to be pulled down, a few boxes with different holidays labeling them, and a closet full of old clothes. "Sorry, it's a little messy in here. We can clean it up though."

"Some other time," Angel mumbled, then yawned. "I just want the bed."

She walked past Layla, dropped her bag, and started pushing the holiday boxes to one side of the room. Layla followed suit. Once all the boxes were moved, they pulled the bed down. Layla rummaged through the closet and found some sheets and helped Angel put them onto the mattress. They both sat down to rest.

Angel looked at Layla. "Why help me?"

"Well, I don't see the point in not being nice to you," Layla shrugged, "I mean, sure, you kind of helped in a plot to destroy the school and turn everyone into babies, but I think people are allowed to make mistakes. This is high school after all. We're gonna make mistakes."

Angel looked confused. "Yeah, but I was really mean to you, and to Will, and to all your friends. Even before all of that."

"True, but you're not evil, Angel. Just... angry," Layla told her, looking at her. She hesitated for a moment before putting a hand on her shoulder. "I think that you're a lot more than just a bully."

She looked away from Layla and sighed. She didn't say anything and put her head in her hands. Layla rubbed her shoulder and stood up.

"I forgive you, Angel," she told her guest before walking to the door. "I'll let you get comfortable up here. The dresser is empty if you want to put your clothes in there."

Angel looked up, but Layla was gone. She sighed, staring out the door into the hall before turning over and laying on the bed. Her wings spread, but they didn't have enough room to really stretch. She rested her head on her arms, closing her eyes. Before she knew it, she was asleep.


Standing at the bus stop, Layla looked at Angel worriedly. "You know, you don't have to go if you don't want to."

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