11 Let's Go Party

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Angel walked beside Lash as they made their way to the Stronghold house, taking it slow as they were in no rush to get there. They had not even gotten the okay that they could go yet, so they meandered close by, but not too close, until it was go time. She shoved her hands into her jacket pockets as she sighed, the cool breeze giving her chills.

"It shouldn't be too much longer now," he told her, putting an arm around her shoulders. He pulled her into his side and grinned. He felt her roll her shoulders. "Tense?"

"Very," she mumbled. She hadn't gotten a chance since school to stretch her wings and it was starting to hurt. "She should hurry up. It's not like it's hard to get a guy like Will to do whatever you want."

Lash gave her a look, then poked her cheek. "Not all of us can have sexy mind control powers." She laughed humorlessly and nudged him with her elbow. He laughed and gently shoved her back.

She stopped, pushing herself up on her toes to kiss him. He leaned down and pressed their lips together, however the kiss didn't last long as his phone buzzed. He pulled away from her and looked at it, smirking.

"Let's go party," he said, and she happily led the way to the Stronghold home.


The house was lit up with red party lights, thanks to someone's powers, and music filled the air. The party was just getting into full swing. When Angel walked in, Lash took her jacket off her shoulders and she let her wings out. She sighed with relief as all the tension was released. She turned to him and smiled. "Let's go find some drinks."

As they walked through, people were talking or cheering or dancing. Someone was climbing the walls and Larry was a two ton rock walking through the house. There were multiple Pennies scattered about, talking to anyone she could. They ran into Gwen and one of the Pennies, smiling at them and complimenting the party. Someone walked by with a bucket of ice and drinks, which Lash stretched his arms out to get two sodas.

Taking one from him, Angel smirked. "I haven't been to a party in months."

"Birthday parties don't count, freshman," Penny told her pointedly.

Angel gave her a sassy look, then rolled her eyes. "Who said anything about birthdays?"

Gwen tilted her head curiously, but didn't press the matter further. She smiled. "So where's your sister? She was invited, wasn't she?"

"Yeah, but she's a total nerd. She said she had to stay home and study," Angel told her and shrugged indifferently. She still didn't like Gwen, but so long as this plan of hers worked then who was she to be complaining. "She just told me to be safe and not to hurt anyone."

Lash snickered at that. "How many people have you hurt at parties?"

"Too many, apparently," she said and rolled her eyes. She looked at Gwen and Penny as they stared at her, a little astonished and impressed. "Anyway, we'll see you around." She took Lash by the hand and started dragging him through the house. Her wings made it possible to get through the crowd as they saw her coming and made the path clear. One unlucky partygoer didn't see her and was thrown to the floor by her wings, making Lash laugh.

She pulled them into a corner, smiling up at him. He was sure he never wanted to see anything else but a smile on her face. Sure, he thought that she looked really hot pissed off and angry, but her smile made his chest feel warm and filled his stomach with butterflies.

She opened her drink, sipped it, then set it down. Then she grabbed his hands and started dancing, rocking her hips and laughing. Her wings knocked something over, which she barely heard hit the ground.

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