13 We Saved the Day?

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Warren, Layla, and Angel ran into the gym just as Will was about to punch Royal Pain. He was distracted when Layla yelled out to him, allowing Royal Pain the time to charge up a punch. It was so powerful that it went Will through the window and off the side of the school.

"No!" Layla yelled, distraught.

Royal Pain stood up and laughed. "And there goes your last chance at stopping me."

"We'll see about that," Angel said, stomping forward. Warren tried to grab her hand, but she pulled it away from him. She ran and flew at Royal Pain, coming in fast and punching her. She skidded across the floor, hitting one of the tables.

Angel flew up and looped back around, ready to hit her again. However, Pain stood up and readied herself. She grabbed Angel by the front of her dress and spun her around before throwing her across the room.

She landed on another table, which broke under the force of her landing, and she groaned. She pushed herself up, turning to the villain as her wings twitched.

Pain laughed. "See? There's nothing you can do to stop me!"

The three heroes stared up at the window as they saw Will appear through it. Royal Pain turned and gasped as well. "Surprised? So am I?" he said, grinning.

"You're flying? That's impossible!" Pain yelled as he flew in and grabbed her. He lifted her into the air and dropped her, causing the floor to cave in under her body. He dropped to the floor and punched her helmet, breaking it away.

He got up and ran to his friends, grabbing Layla and hugging her. Warren patted him on the arm and Angel smiled at him. Then they started to fall and they took to the floor, holding on to whatever they could.

"The school is falling!" Layla yelled to Will.


Zack and Ethan were yelling as the school began to descend rapidly. They held onto Magenta and Lash, the latter having his arm stretched down the conduit and trying to feel around for the right wire to pull.

"You're yelling is not making this any easier!" he shouted.

"Pull the wire! Pull the wire!" Zack yelled back.

"I'm trying!" He moved his hand around before wrapping it around the sabotage device. "Fuck it!"

He pulled the whole device from the antigravity machine, feeling a few shocks lick his fingers. Once the two devices were apart, the school began to slow down. Everything settled before they felt themselves be lifted back into the air.

Lash pulled his arm from the conduit, dropping Royal Pain's sabotage onto the floor. He rubbed his arm and sighed, rolling his shoulder as the soreness settled in.

"You did it, man!" Zach cheered and threw his hand up for a high five. Lash did the same and the two slapped their hands together, smiling.

Magenta nodded, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, thanks."


Ron opened the back of the bus and started handing baby seats to the group of students. They started setting down babies wherever they could put them, looking around as they set down their teachers, parents, and classmates in uncertainty. None of them knew what the next step was going to be, what would make everything go back to normal.

"Now what?" Layla asked, turning her to friends after setting Mr. Boy on the ground. They all looked at her.

"Beats me," Will said.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance," a small yet familiar voice said. They all turned to Warren as he held Mr. Medulla, who still had a rather large head and the ability to talk even as a baby. "It should only take me a couple of hours to reconfigure the Pacifier. Mr. Peace, will you pwease cawy me to the mad science lab?"

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