09 Rooftops

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The next morning, Angel was rummaging through her locker. She didn't know what she was looking for, still feeling the anger from the previous night coursing through her veins. She gave up and threw her bag inside, rustling papers and causing the wall of lockers to shake. When her bag slumped out, she kicked it in and stomped on it, then slammed the locker shut.

"You looked pleasantly pissed off," Speed said smugly as he walked up to her.

She glared at him, staring into his soul. She growled, "You laugh, you die."

Lash wasn't far behind his friend, who stared wide eyed at his freshman friend. "Angel, about last nigh-"

"Don't mention it," she said and kicked the locker, just in a fit of anger. "I don't want to talk about it. In fact, I don't want to even remember it." Lash's face fell and she looked at him, realizing what she had said. She rubbed beside her eyes and groaned. "Not that, I mean my sister. She wouldn't let up last night."

"Oh," he let out.

Speed looked between the two of them. "What happened last night?"

"Nothing!" they both said, glaring at him.

He put his hands up and backed away. "Alright, alright, keep your secrets," he said, a teasing grin coming onto his face as he got a few ideas.

Angel rolled her eyes as he walked away and leaned on the lockers as Lash went into theirs. "Seriously, though, you and me... I didn't mind that part."

He glanced at her, smirking. "Good, 'cause neither did I."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. He leaned down and kissed her briefly before smiling at her. Her anger seemed to simmer down as she gave a half hearted smile back, then turned her head down to play with his fingers.

"She told my dad," she sighed out. "He didn't care, just like I thought he wouldn't. But she's still running around like she's my mom, trying to tell me what to do. Said I shouldn't hang out with you anymore, that you're a terrible influence, blah blah blah."

He hummed, grabbing a few books. "Your dad doesn't want to kill me?"

"No," she scoffed and looked up at him. "Like I said, the first chance he gets, he'll kick me out. I mean, he only sends me to this school so that I won't run around and use my powers whenever I want, but if he had it his way he wouldn't even have to deal with me. He'd ship me off or throw me out or something just so he can live his perfect life with his perfect daughter."

She looked out the windows, trying to hide her disappointment with anger. He watched her, hating that new look. That look of sorrow that hid behind her eyes, that she tried to keep buried down. "What if I told you there was a way you could get back at them?"

She looked at him, becoming intrigued yet confused. "You know you're talking about one of the world's 'greatest' heroes, right?"

"Yeah, but... it's all foolproof," he assured her. She continued to stare at him quizzically. He looked around the crowded hall before he leaned into her. "I can tell you more later if you're interested."

"And this... whatever it is, will do what?" she asked.

He grinned at her. "Make them wish they'd never hurt you."

She stared into his eyes, looking for any reason not to agree, but all she found was adoration and truth in his pretty, brown eyes. She nodded to him and leaned up, pecking his lips. "I'll meet up with you after school."

He watched her walk away, but as he did he felt a little sick. His heart felt like it was being squeezed as he realized what he'd just promised. It was too late to take it back. He knew that almost instantly. She was expecting something, and he would have to deliver. He only hoped the boss didn't kill him for it.

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