06 Stronghold

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One morning, Angel had arrived early and met up with her new friends, who she still denied were her friends, and hung out on the school lawn. They caused a little terror as they walked to the bus parking, throwing one kid's stuff across the grass and pushing another down in the mud. Then the freshmen bus arrived, Lash tapped Angel on the shoulder, pointing her in the direction of the vehicle as it parked.

When the doors opened, Lash stretched out his arm and grabbed the hat off of Ron Wilson's head. He rushed off the bus after it, red in the face. Lash had already handed it off to Speed, who zipped around them so he couldn't be caught with the accessory.

"Come on, Ron!" Lash chided, one arm wrapped around Angel's shoulders. Her wings bounced behind them with laughter. "Hey, big boy! Where's your hat? Hey, where's your hat?"

"Come on, if you're not going to respect me, at least respect the hat," Ron huffed.

Angel and Lash laughed at how ridiculous a request that was. They were so alight with laughter, they barely noticed the sidekicks coming over to them, until Will had something to say.

"Guys, guys, come on, give Ron his hat back." Will looked at them almost as if he were trying to be in on the joke, hoping he wouldn't find himself with any repercussions from standing up to them. 

The laughing stopped and the two looked at him judgmentally. Speed stopped on the other side of Angel, taking the hat off in favor of his own. He passed Ron's hat off to her, which she looked at with bored eyes.

"Alright, you heard the sidekick," Lash said. "Give him his hat back."

Angel threw the hat down in the mud and the three of them laughed, turning to the school.

"We'll catch ya later, Stronghold," Speed shouted. As they approached the stairs, he made a new challenge. "Hey, race you up the steps."

The three started up the incline, all at normal speeds. Speed, with an advantage over his two friends despite not using his powers, still pulled ahead of them. Lash was close in second and Angel not far behind him. As they reached the top, Lash held his hand up for a high five, which Angel gave him once she got to the last step.

Cheekily, he grabbed ahold of her hand and laced his fingers between hers. She narrowed her eyes at him and tried to pull it away from him, but his arm stretched with the pull and he laughed.

"You're still so annoying," she told him, grabbing his wrist and holding it still as she pulled her hand out of his. He didn't let her get away before he put his arm over her shoulders again.

"You two make me wanna hurl," Speed said from the front doors of the school. "Seriously."

"His fault," Angel said, pointing at Lash. They walked in together and made their way to their lockers. "He's infuriatingly persistent."


At lunch later that day, Angel and Lash looked over the cafeteria floor in search of someone to bother. She caught sight of Will in search of his friends and she tapped Lash on the arm, pointing him out among the crowd. He laughed and pulled her into his side, leaning down to her ear.

"Good choice," he snickered and she pushed on his chest. He laughed and stayed close, watching for the perfect moment.

"Will, over here!" Layla called out to her friend.

"Saved you a seat!" Zach said.

Ethan stood up proudly, holding up a snack cup. "And I saved you a pudding!"

Speed ran by and took it out of his hand, then made his way over to his friends. He already had the pudding open and started eating it. "Hey, what's up?"

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