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It was in the middle of the afternoon when a motorcycle came into the garage of the Weasley household.

Y/N Potter had just arrived in the household. "Oh, Y/N did you get everything on the list?" Molly said as she heard him come in. "Yes, it's all in the side car. I'm amazed Author isn't trying to get a new car." Y/N said. "I convinced him otherwise, dear. Now I just need Ginny to come in."

"Last time you did that was our birthday." Y/N said. "Well, I have to teach her how to be a good wife for Harry." Molly said.

Y/N laid on the couch kind of bored. "Y/N, you don't have to lay on the couch every time you get bored." Hermione said. "Yeah, but I can't pick a fight with Percy anymore because his job at the ministry." Y/N said.

"Well, he seems to be enjoying it." "That's one way of putting it, the guy wouldn't come home if Author didn't all but drag him home. And the last time he talked about his boss, bloody hell, Ginny wasn't that obsessed over Harry." "Nor was I with you, but at least we get some time apart. Harry and Ginny are always together." "They'll separate from time to time, but that's almost rarely."

"Do you think we should expect an invitation to Percy and His boss's wedding?" "Doubtful, I broke his nose too many times for that, you maybe." Hermione giggled at this.

"Hello Weasleys and Potters." Author said as he and Percy came in. Molly met him and the two kissed.

Percy came up to Y/N. "Hello Y/N, how are you?" "Bored, but Molly keeps me busy and I always enjoy talking to Hermione." "Right, your soul bond with her, I'll never understand it." "You won't, but Ginny does, she enjoys it." "I imagine Hermione does too." "It's one of her favorite things in life." Percy then went upstairs and Y/N went to look for a yo-yo.

Dinner was uneventful except Molly brought out a birthday cake for the two boys. Y/N smiled as he grabbed Harry and the two blew out the candles together.

It was clear to the family that whatever happens, Y/N and Harry Potter were in the thick of things together.

"Alright, I would like a volunteer to help get Hermione here. Y/N, you know her best, how about you?" Author said.

"Alright, but I'll go on my own, I don't think you would leave if you went, and I don't want Fred and George giving her parents a heart attack." Y/N said.

"I agree, Y/N can go himself, but only if he uses the floo powder." Molly said. "I was planning on doing that anyway, Hermione doesn't enjoy flying, and the floo powder is faster." Y/N said. Molly nodded and Y/N went to the fireplace.

Author had told him that the ministry had linked the Granger's fireplace to the network so Hermione could visit.

Y/N stepped in and grabbed some floor powder. "Granger house." He said. He then let go of the powder and vanished into the flame.

Hermione was sitting in her living room reading a book that she got for Christmas. She and her parents learned that she was going to the Weasley household for the world cup and would come back.

She always loved going to the Weasley household, because she always had fun there. She especially loved Y/N Potter.

She had never been closer to anyone else because he knew her thoughts and feelings. He also had no issues dealing with anyone or anything that threatened her. She hadn't told him how he made her feel, but she knew in her mind and heart that she had loved him.

At first she developed a crush during their second year, due to the good time they had in their mind place. It developed when they waited for themselves to arrive during their third year.

She had hoped that she could confess to him how she felt and they could be like Harry and Ginny.

She had seen the two of them and imagined that she and Y/N. It felt good, but she had longed for it to be real.

A green fire had burst from the fireplace and Y/N had did a somersault into the house. "Sorry about that, I did that every time I used floor powder and it became a reaction before long.

"No worries, at least you aren't covered in soot, Hermione and her mom just cleaned up." Mr. Granger said.

"On the topic of Hermione, the world cup is in a couple of days, so I came to pick her up." Y/N said.

"I do have some clothes and books." Hermione told him. "Not a problem." Y/N said. He then walked over to the trunk and picked it up with one hand and no issues.

"Y/N how did you do that so easily, Hermione always packs many books?" Her mother said. "If I can throw a troll like a paper weight, a trunk full of books is nothing." Y/N said, shocking her parents.

"While all of this is well and good, I would like to get going, I'll be back after the cup." Hermione said. Her parents said their farewells and Y/N sent them both to the Burrow.

Hermione arrived first and was greeted by Ginny and Molly. Before anyone knew what happened, her trunk slid inside the Burrow. Y/N did his usual entrance into the room immediately afterwards.

"Hermione how are you, dear?" Molly said. "Alright, I just wish I could help with the birthday cake." Hermione said. "Oh, no need, I'm sure you will make one for Y/N and Ginny will make one for Harry. She's been dying to do so for some time." Molly said.

Y/N looked around and saw Bill and Charlie. Y/N and Bill got along well, but Charlie and Y/N had a love for dragons. For Y/N, it was as good a subject as werewolves. Charlie preferred the former.

"Bill, Charlie, great to see you guys." Y/N said. "Y/N, good to see you." Bill said. "Y/N, how are you?" Charlie said. "I've been good, bored most days since I can't go a few rounds with Percy anymore." "That's life, you'll find something else to occupy your time." Bill said. "By the way, I found something I think you might use." Charlie said.

He then took out a long object and Y/N felt something. It felt like a holy relic of power. He accepted it and removed the rapping, revealing a new sword.

This one was single edged and curved like a fang, it had a golden handguard and butt cap. The handle had a purple wrap and a diamond shaped pattern with yellow inside.

Y/N drew it and saw that it had runes on the blade representing fire, ice, earth and lightning. It was also the sharpest blade he had ever seen.

"Consider yourself lucky, everyone else tried to draw it, but with no success. Even Fred and George couldn't do it and they were working together." Charlie said.

"Looks like Charlie added a new sword to my collection. Thank you, man." Y/N said. "No problem."

Hermione saw it. "Y/N, you drawing the sword may have something to do with your dragon's breath, don't forget that Charlie works with dragons." She told him. "Maybe, but whatever the reason, I like it." Y/N said.

"Y/N was able to draw the sword, Percy thought it wouldn't happen, but Harry had faith in him. Now come along, I need help setting up dinner." Molly said.

Bill, Charlie, Author and Y/N got the tables set up while Molly, Hermione and Ginny got food prepared and Harry, Ron, Fred, and George got seats and silverware.

Dinner was uneventful, except with Harry telling Ron, Hermione, and Y/N about a reoccurring nightmare he's been having. Y/N asked if he told Sirius, and Harry confirmed that he did, it was why unusual birds have been arriving at the house lately.

Ginny confirmed it too, saying that she was having a similar dream, but she was beside Harry.

After dinner, everyone was winding down and getting ready for bed. Hermione saw Y/N's room and was amazed by how clean it was.

"Y/N this is amazing." She said. "Thanks, I take pride in that, Fred and George seems to like explosions, but as it turns out, they're trying to make joke items." Y/N said. "Sounds like something Mrs. Weasley wouldn't like." "She doesn't, but it beats Percy's room, he's a bit bland." "What about Ron?" "About what you can expect, Ginny and Harry keep their room clean."

"So where can I put my things?" "The foot of the bed will work." Hermione did so, and the two went to bed.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now