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The next morning saw the schools heading to the black lake, with Fred and George taking bets. Neville gave Harry the Gillyweed.

"Now you sure this is going to work?" Harry asked. "Absolutely." Neville said. "For an hour." "Most likely." "Most likely?" "Well there are debates between Herbologists of the effects between fresh water vs salt water."

"You're telling me this now, you have got to be joking." "I just wanted to help." "Well, at least you have a plan to help, the rest of us were fumbling in the dark. Where are they anyway?" "You seem tense, Harry." "Do I?"

Y/N came rushing in to greet the others. "Hey guys, how's it hanging." He said. "Y/N, have you seen the others?" "No, I've tried using my link to Hermione, and can't get through to her." "I've had the same luck with Ginny, what about Aimee?" "Same as us." Y/N then turned his attention to Neville. "Remind me, I have a friend I want you to meet." "Sounds nice." He said. The three then went on their way.

The three arrived on three docks with the others. Y/N saw a lot of people in the crowd, but no sign of Hermione, Ron, or Ginny. He was about to close his eye, but Professor Dumbledore stopped him. "Not yet. Wait until the challenge begins." He said. Y/N nodded.

Dumbledore then placed his wand on his neck. "Welcome to the second challenge. Last night, something was stolen from our champions. A treasure of sorts. They are at the bottom of the black lake. In order to win, the champions must find their treasure and return to the surface within an hour. After that, they'll be on their own." Dumbledore said.

Moody looked at Harry and saw the gillyweed in his hand. "Put that in your mouth." Harry did so and looked like he was beginning to choke.

"You may begin at the start of the cannon." Dumbledore said, only for Filtch to fire it. All seven went into the water after the sound, with Y/N dragging Harry.

Harry was struggling at first, but he then noticed that he was growing gills. He then looked at his hands and feet and saw that they were webbed.

Above the water Seamus and Dean were looking for Harry, but couldn't find him. "Where is he?" Seamus asked. "I don't know, I can't see him." Dean said. Neville began to panic. "Oh my god, I've killed Harry Potter." Harry swam to the surface and launched himself into the air. "Yeah!" He yelled. Seamus and Dean applauded this.

Harry was swimming around looking for Ginny and the others, when he heard singing. He followed it and saw everyone with their ankles tied in place. Cedric showed up using the bubble head charm and pulled out his wand. He blasted the restraint around Cho's ankle.

Harry did this with Ginny's restraint, but before he could free Ron or Hermione, Aimee came by with a bubble head charm on herself, she cut Ron free with her dagger and began to swim to the surface.

Next Y/N showed up with webbed feet and his left hand was webbed, but his right hand was a swordfish head. He used it to cut Hermione free. The two noticed a shark speeding towards the girl Krum took to the Yule ball and snapped the restraint around her ankle.

The young girl from Beauxbatons was the only person remaining. Harry and Y/N couldn't leave her, so Harry blasted her ankle restraint and swam up with her. Lavander was rescued by a shark like the girl Krum took to the Yule ball at the same time.

Cedric and Cho resurfaced first. Aimee and Ron followed, Lavender and Krum's ball date came next followed by the two sharks, which turned out to be Krum and Aleksandr. Ginny, Hermione, and the girl from Beauxbatons were next.

The merpeople didn't take to the boys freeing the girl, so they were attempting to take revenge on them. Harry was able to stun them while Y/N kept them close with his swordfish head. Harry began to black out and Y/N grabbed him, knowing that the gillyweed had worn off by seeing Harry return to normal. Harry then mustered the last of his strength and readied his wand, "Acendio."

Both boys were launched out of the water and onto the dock, with Y/N returning to normal. "Nice save, Harry." "Thanks."

The two sat back and relaxed as the others joined them. Dumbledore was calling for the judges. Fleur rushed over to them. "You saved my sister, even though she wasn't yours to save." She kissed Harry on the cheek. Ginny rushed over to him. "Harry, thank goodness you're alright." She said. She then gave him a spare towel and a hug.

Hermione rushed over to Y/N just as frantic. "Y/N, you're freezing." She then gave him a spare towel and wrapped her arms around him. "We finished last, guys." Harry said. Ginny kissed him on the lips. "Next to last, Fleur had to retire."

Krum's name was being chanted by the Durmstrang students. "Attention, the winner is Cedric Diggory, and his use of the bubble head charm. Overseers noted that Mr Harry Potter would have finished first if it not had been for his determination to save not only Miss Weasley, but the others as well, we've agreed to reward him and Mr Y/N Potter, for defending him from the merpeople second and third place respectively, for outstanding moral fiber and loyalty." Dumbledore said.

Y/N leaned back on one of the posts, happy that he didn't leave his brother behind. Everyone got back to shore when Barty Crouch approached Harry. "Congratulations Potter, fine achievement. Well done, boy. I'm sorry that we didn't have a chance to speak. You're tale is one I've heard many times. Quite remarkable, tragic of course, to lose one's family. Never whole again, are we? Still, life goes on, and here we stand. Your parents would be very proud of the two of you." Crouch said to him.

"Bartimus! Not trying to lure Potter
into one of the ministry's summer internships
are we? Last boy who went into the department of ministries never came out!" Moody said as he came up on the two.

He eventually licked his upper lip and Crouch gave him a look of suspicion before walking away. "And they say I'm mad." He said. He then took another gulp from his flask.

He then approached Harry. "If you want to play the hero, I can find you plenty of playmates among the first years. Otherwise I suggest you grow up and do it fast, there's more to come than what you have been up against. We can win this."

Harry, Ginny, Ron, Aimee, Hermione, and Y/N we're with Hagrid just outside the dark forest. "I remember when I first met you all, biggest bunch of misfits I ever laid eyes on, always reminds me of myself a little. And here we are now, four years later." Hagrid said.

"We're still a bunch of misfits." Ron said, Aimee found this amusing.

"Well maybe, but we still have each other and Harry and Y/N of course. Soon to be the youngest Tri-wizard champions there's ever been! Hooray!" Hagrid said.

As the group began singing, Y/N had been focusing on a new sword when a rapier with a golden colored handle appeared.

After dismissing it, Y/N took out the sword of Hogwarts and began practicing until he heard Harry. "Y/N, Mr. Crouch is dead."

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now